Chapter 49.) The Storm...

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The air was thicker than usual. The Jersey streets were quiet. A storm was brewing and nobody wanted to be caught in the middle of it. The reaper was back. The shadow man. Bodies were dropping with no trail to follow but fear lingered in the city. There was a bounty that was overdue and hell to pay. Authorities knew to stay out of the way until the smoke cleared. Everyone was radio silent. At home with their loved ones, holding on just a little tighter.

Frank knew he needed to get his family away from the warzone but the exits were a dead end. The code of the game was to leave the women and kids alone but Frank disrespected the same code that placed him on his throne by playing dirty. He knew better than to keep his family in the same area where he did his dirt. That was a rookie move for someone of his stature. Mob ties could only get a person so far especially when they became a liability.

But despite Frank's arrogance, King and Lucky had a heart when it came to family. Why involve innocent lives when their beef was with one careless man and his henchmen? King learned his lesson involving women and kids when he had to take care of his old best friend. His karma came back in the form of wreaking disorder against his family. King may have been a lot of things but a fool wasn't one. He learned. He couldn't say the same about Frank but he also didn't care.

They've been doing good by staying under the radar but Lucky was certain that Frank had finally put the pieces together and realized that the bodies dropping were due to Lucky. Knowing Frank the way that he did, Lucky knew that he would try to send someone down to Virginia to scope out Ava. Little did Frank know, Lucky had already prepared for that type of crisis. The chopper Frank had scheduled, King took care of the pilot and the men on board.

The plan b driver Frank called, Lucky cut them off in Philly and gave them a proper going away present; 30 bullets in the body. Anything that Frank tried to follow up with was knocked off by Lucky and King. He knew his time was coming but he didn't plan to go down without a fight. Lucky may be wise at his craft but how could one man take on an army? Frank always underestimated Lucky, and has been doing it since the day the two met but that was never an issue for Lucky.

He loved when people underestimated him because they never knew when he would strike. And given their current circumstance, Lucky had the upper hand because he had King with him. Something Frank nor the rest of his men were prepared for.

Lucky knew he was damn good at what he does but he was no fool. Taking on Frank alone was the anger talking but following through with it would have been him walking into his own funeral. He had enough experience to recognize that behind the mask, Frank was a coward. He was a coward but a smart one to a certain extent. Lucky had a family to think about and planned on returning home but he knew he couldn't do that without asking for help.

A wise person once said that if you planned on doing anything dirty, make sure you do it alone. Therefore if you were to get caught, you know it'd be due to your carelessness. Lucky was never the type to do dirt with witnesses around or an extra set of eyes tagging along but King wasn't an ordinary person. He came up in the street life when there was a different way of things. Cut from a different era, meant better wisdom. If he had to put his life in any man's hand, Lucky would always bet on King.

A ding cut into the men's thoughts as they prepped their weapons. Still working on his bullets, Lucky glanced at his tablet as the traffic camera popped up.

"Wassup?" King queried.

Zooming in, Lucky stared at the different camera for a while before speaking, "it's just tha' shorty on tha' move."

Not feeling the need to reply to that, King resumed what he was doing. He already gave Renae and Dajon a heads-up. He wasn't worried about anything going wrong, he knew Renae was well-equipped to protect herself and those around her, as was Dajon. Which was the other reason Renae offered to host the party at her place instead of the beach house. Frank didn't know where they lived, but Renae didn't put anything past anyone.

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