Chapter 63.) 1 to 1000

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"When do I actually get to have a sit-down and talk with this boyfriend of yours?" Bryson asked Laiya once they entered the home. She had just passed another one of her exams and had one left before the semester was over.

"Um... I'll have to think about it," she avoided looking at him as she placed her tote bag in the closet.

"Are you two getting serious?" he decided to ask, following her into the kitchen.

Laiya shrugged, tucking her hands into her pockets, "not really."

Bryson stared at her for a moment then squinted, "you sure? You've been spending a lot of time with him lately."

"Still figuring things out."

Skeptical, Bryson leaned against the deep freezer and studied her behavior before asking his next question, "are you two active?"

"Dad," she groaned.

"I'm just trying to get a better understanding of your relationship Lay," he clarified.

"I'm not."

"Ok," he held his hands up, "you do realize that your siblings are going to ask worst questions than me?"

"Dajon doesn't ask because I don't give him the time... Renae doesn't bring him up unless I mention him and I barely do that. I want to experience this alone."

Confused by her annoyance, Bryson's brows dipped, "I mean... you are my daughter, I'm supposed to be concerned about your dating life. I don't know a thing about that young man."

"You're not supposed to," sighing, she grabbed an orange and headed for the stairs.

Bryson shook his head, "Laiya?!"

"I'm taking a nap!" she answered before slamming her bedroom door.

Bemused, Bryson weighed his options for a moment before he made his way upstairs and invited himself into Laiya's room. "If by somehow I just crossed some sort of boundary, I apologize for that. But I'm not about to allow you to slam any door in this house when I'm just trying to talk to you. A simple, Dad I'm uncomfortable discussing this with you would have been quite fine. What is going on with you, Lay? Are you missing your mom?"

Taking a deep breath, she placed the orange down and stared at him, "I'm sorry... can we just leave the conversation alone?"

"Let me know right now if I need to pay that young man a visit or not," he stared intensely at her.


"Ok," nodding, his eyes lingered on hers momentarily before he walked away. He knew she was hiding something from him and knew that if he needed answers, he would have to go to her best friend; Dante.

Meanwhile, at the Davidsons residence, Dante had just finished a core workout and was in the kitchen preparing a smoothie.

"Why am I not surprised to find you in here?" an amused Dajon said as he loosened his tie.

"Why you always on my case about eating?" Dante smirked. "I breathe and you ready to fight."

"Lying," chuckling, Dajon placed his briefcase down and helped himself to half of Dante's smoothie, "you heard from your mom today?"

"Mm-hmm," he took the cup from Dajon, "she's doing some sketches at the shop, "how was court?"

Drying his hands, Dajon retrieved his salmon wraps from the fridge, "still ongoing, got about two more days before I see what the jury decides."

"You ever get confused taking on different cases?"

"Nah, I'm a criminal defense attorney, civil rights attorney, and do pro bono every once in a while. It's not confusing when you have a schedule."

Stones Diary: Built for Pressura' 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora