Chapter 34.) Special Delivery

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Children are a blessing and everyone has their own way of raising their children. Babies are considered a gift from God. Life in itself was a blessing for a person but to bring a baby into the world was a true gift from God. Kids changes a person's life. Some people were equipped to be parents, some took advantage of it and mistreated and misused their children because they weren't ready for that responsibility.

A child does not ask to be brought into the world but most parents don't look at it that way and will blame their children for not being able to 'prosper' in life. Some parents tell children that they had to put their dreams or life on pause to be a parent and kids take that stuff like that to heart. As if a child asked to be born. Having unprotected sex or not taking proper precautions was not a child's fault but some people don't look at it that way.

Then you have those parents who think that they will be terrible parents that end up being the best in the world. Things come to them with ease. Patience becomes their strong suit. The love they have for their child radiates and creates a safe space. All beings need to feel safe and need a safe space where they can go when they feel as if the world is no longer being kind. As a parent, giving love, showing love, but also protecting a child is important.

There is nothing more that a parent wants to do than to protect their child's innocence and pure heart. In a world where there is a mixture of good and evil, in your parents' arms should always make a child feel as if nothing else matters because, in their parents' arms, they are safe; protected. Not many people got to experience parental love or guidance, but those that do, often take it for granted or don't cherish every moment the way that they should.

Life was short. Time stood still for no one. Life could be here today and then gone within the blink of an eye. Time was precious. Living was precious. Love... love was precious. Love was something that Lucky never felt as if he would ever get to experience. That tender yet strong emotion never crossed his mind. It never made him second guess or do a double take. Grief kept him going. Rage kept him cold; robotic almost. But then a gem came into his life and while falling in love with her, they created a bundle of joy.

Zora. Their precious sunflower. She was truly a light. Lucky's rainbow right after a storm. His daughter. Ava's daughter. They created her. At seven months, she was the sweetest, bubbliest, tiny little human that they have ever encountered and she was theirs. How could they dwell on the bad when they had such a bright star in their space? Her laughter and smile could light up the world and that's how Lucky often felt whenever staring at her and Ava.

They were his extra pair of hearts in human form and had him wrapped around their fingers. He wouldn't have it any other way but knew that if he wanted his happy life to continue, he needed to get rid of a demon that tried to taint and ruin his family.

It was July the 7th, and the countdown to the wedding was like no other but Lucky was doing his best to keep a poker face. Laiya had graduated high school with a 3.6 with four scholarships under her built to any university of her choice but being a cosmetologist was still her plan A. There were officially 6 days until the big day and the tension was on.

Everyone was trying to make sure they had what they needed; passports, gowns, tuxes, gifts, the guest list, whatever they could think of, they wanted to make sure they had it. Lucky must have called the resort a total of eight times in three days and his nerves were beginning to make Ava nervous. She still had no idea where things were taking place but she knew it wasn't local

"Do you think we should hire a nanny?" Ava asked Lucky as she joined him in the kitchen.

"A nanny?" That was a shock to Lucky.

"Yeah... like when we decide to get back into working," she awkwardly smiled, "just part-time," she quickly added when his brows dipped.

"I 'ont know about dat," he stood upright and closed his journal before pulling her towards him. "I would rather have Lay or Dante watch Zo than some stranger."

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