Chapter 91.) Carried Away

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"I know you ain't trying to sneak in this house," an Amused Dajon said as Dante attempted to head upstairs.

"I ain't see you in there," Dante chuckled, dropping his overnight bag by the stairs before heading into the kitchen and smiling when he saw King sitting at the table, "wassup, unc?"

"Nephew," King smiled, standing to embrace him, "tryna creep in from having a time last night?"

"Nah nah," he laughed, "I just came back to get a nap in."

Dajon squinted at him, "why couldn't you take a nap at your girlfriend's place if you were already sleeping over?"

"She's having breakfast with her parents, danggg you nosey."

King chuckled, "you know how he is."

"Can I be excused now?"

"Have a seat real quick," Dajon pulled the empty chair out.

Sighing, Dante reluctantly sat down and put his hood on.

"How did the dates go?"


"Did she like the gifts?"


"How long did y'all stay out?"


Dajon smacked him upside his head, "Stop one-wording me."

King reached over and smacked Dajon upside his head, "Don't be abusing my nephew."

"Your nephew acting like he can't have a simple conversation with me," Dajon cut his eyes at Dante. "Did y'all have sex?"

"Unc," Dante stared at King for help.


Smirking, Dajon continued staring at his son, "Do I need to tell you what type of condoms to buy?"

"Oh my God, dad I'm still a virgin," Dante groaned.

"Nephew gon' head," King waved him off.

Standing, Dante headed toward the stairs.

"Why did you do that? I was just fucking with him," Dajon chuckled.

"You were making him uncomfortable," King corrected, "he turns twenty-one tomorrow, stop asking him about tha' status of his virginity unless he brings it up to you."

"So we just gon' sit here and act like we both don't know that he did something last night?"

King shrugged, "It ain't our business and if I remember correctly, you came to me for advice."

"I sure did 'cause you my dawg, I would like to think that my son will come to me for advice but it seems like I'm just annoying him."

"It's just your approach, stop trying to be funny when you ask and just be serious for tha' moment. He probably feels like you're making fun of him for still being a virgin."

Dajon frowned, "why would I joke him about that? Shiiit, he's doing better than me. I lost my shit to an older woman way younger than him and I wasn't even in love just in lust and ain't know shit about what I was doing."

"A'ight," King shrugged, "so tha' next time you sit with him, just tell him dat. I told you two years ago dat he said girls used to laugh at him for being a virgin, why do you think he's so private? He doesn't need a bunch of hot pockets laughing at him and then come home and hear jokes from tha' men in dis family... Zay has been having lil slugs to throw but I already talked to him about dat shit. Das' your son, you know I'll never tell you how to parent but you know Dante operates differently from us, so you gotta come at him matching his energy."

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