Chapter 19.) In Heat pt. 1

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Some kids were forced to grow up quicker than they were supposed to. Some look at life as a game and try to rush their journey. Others regret not listening to their parents about not rushing to be an adult when it's too late. Life is full of lessons. Good and bad. To live means to die. And if a person is only granted life with the end goal being to die, they should cherish every moment of their stay on earth.

It is scary to know that eventually, somewhere down the line, your life can end at any moment. Not everyone fears death or thinks much about what happens at the end but those that do, often try to live their life to the fullest. But, nothing was meant to last or go on forever. Eventually, all you'll have left of a person are memories and the love you once shared.

But life was about lessons. It was about growth and change. Maybe the only purpose of life was to die but in between, there's still room to give and receive love. Make memories. Spread joy. Be a blessing to someone or a few people.

Things were changing for the Stone family and those around them. A shift was happening in the atmosphere with no intention of stopping. The family had been disturbed and a beast was awakened and on the prowl. Hunting was a game for the wise and mighty but often, fools thought they could outsmart a blind man with heightened senses.

The devil had thrown in his chips. It's been said to never make a deal with the devil unless you plan to repay back in blood. For the Stone family, revenge was often bitter yet sweet, and if Frank wanted to play this dangerous game, they'd call his bluff.

It was March 27th, midnight to be exact. There was a waning gibbous moon resting high in the night sky as a gentle wind blew. Everyone seemed to have the same idea; sex was in the air. The moment was overwhelming and unexpected for some.

The Craft for the Soul crew had met up at Emori's house for games and drinks. Of course, the men weren't falling through unless food was on the menu. The ladies expected that but had no intentions of cooking, so instead, ordered subs and wings from the closest restaurant.

They have been so swamped with business, that they had to push back a lot of their outside work festivities. But they never complained, the money was good, the clients were loyal, and they loved what they did but a person should always make time for fun. After all, self-care was the best form of recharging and making sure your mental health was intact.

While at Emori's house, Cam and Jaheem got a bit too carried away with the drinking. The second Cam began talking about getting jumped by CNAs again, the ladies knew it was time to call it a night.

They enjoyed themselves. It may have been the best five hours they ever spent together but babysitting an intoxicated man was something neither of the ladies was familiar with. Since Indya and Eshe rode together, they offered to take Cam home. Jaheem called himself trying to get behind the wheel while drunk and Emori was not having it. She's been trying to sober him up for an hour but realized she was in a losing battle, being that he and Cam mixed a bunch of alcohol just for the hell of it.

"I don't know if you just tryna hold me hostage or not, but I could have been in my bed an hour ago," Jaheem said to Emori as he skimmed through her sketches. For someone who didn't do tattoos, she was a damn good artist.

"You would have most likely been in a ditch or worst," she sat across from him.

"I'm not drunk, Em."

"A drunk person's favorite saying," she chuckled then shook her head, "you were falling all over Indya two hours ago... not to mention, you and Cam tripped going up my stairs."

"You ain't 'een have to do me dirty like dat," he tried not to laugh as he studied her lotus sketch. "Dis hard."

"That was something I randomly drew in high school, I was bored," she shrugged.

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