Chapter 2.) Bloodline pt. 2

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"Kellz?" Kairo called upon entering the house.

"I'm ready!" she yelled from upstairs.

"I've been outside for twenty minutes, stop lying," he laughed, helping himself to the candy in the bowl that Yonas put together for the neighborhood trick-or-treaters.

"Nobody told you to wait outside," she said as she made her way down sporting a Sonya Blade from Mortal Kombat costume.

Kairo looked the attire over and had to readjust himself, "Hold tha' hell on... dis party is kid-friendly."

Grinning, Kelly spun, "What's wrong with this?"

"You too damn fine for dat costume Kellz... un-uh, my mama gon' look at me crazy."

"Sonya Blade is more covered up than the other women, plus I got the jacket to cover up," she giggled, pointing toward the sofa.

"Yeah, 'cause we ain't gon' make it," he eyed her for a while then shook his head, "Forgive me, Lord."

Laughing, Kelly picked up the jacket and belt before following Kairo outside. Locking up, she sent a quick text to Ava while Kairo spoke to Zaire.

"Are we gonna be early or on black people time?" she asked, getting situated in the car.

"I think we're all late," Kairo chuckled.

Kelly shook her head, "And she asked us to be on time, I'ma have to buy her a gift."

"We already got tha' baby gifts, she not gon' mind. You just like being on time for everything," he said.

"Being on time is key, it's law," she shrugged, "I don't make the rules."

Kairo glanced at her then laughed, "Kellz... stop."

Giggling, she reached over and cupped his face, "Don't you love me?"

"I'm debating on it now."

"Please," she laughed, "Can't believe you made me think you were going to leave me."

"We ain't bringing up tha' past," he cut his eyes at her and smirked.

"Mm-hmm," she mirrored him, "can you stop at Sonic? I wanna get a milkshake."

"We're already late, no ma'am."

Sucking her teeth, she frowned, "Party pooper."


"I am trying to see my daughter... she's not supposed to have her baby until another three weeks, can you please give me a fucking update?" Renae stressed to the Medical Assistant in the waiting area.

"We are waiting on her Obstetrician to get here, I cannot give you any information that I do not know ma'am."

"What about my damn son-in-law?"

"I do not have any information on him."

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Renae stared at the woman long and hard then flashed a smile, "Don't worry 'bout it," she walked away.

Walking around for a moment as she hummed to herself, Renae made her way toward the sink and knocked over the coffee maker.


"Renae!" King jumped up.

"Got me waiting here for thirty fuckin' minutes with no updates? Ok," she chuckled, knocking over the water jug and plant.

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