Chapter 28.) We Needed This.

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Letting go of someone that you envisioned living the rest of your life with is hard to do. Letting go of anything that you hold so dear to your heart is hard to do but when it's time to release a love that you wanted to keep close, a piece of you dies inside. A person has to learn how to release or let go of something that no longer adds peace to their life but chaos. The longer you try to hold on, the more it'll torture you emotionally.

You have to know and realize that what was once the highlight of your day has now turned to gloom and the more you try to ignore the signs, the heavier it'll weigh on your heart and put a strain on your soul. It is never an easy thing to do but in the end, your heart will thank you for releasing it of its grief. It may feel like death in the beginning. Your once whole and joyous heart is now shattered but it's only for the time being.

Pain doesn't last forever, the disheartening memories will eventually fade and then the sun will shine again. You'll smile again. You'll love again. You'll learn to trust and be vulnerable again. It's a marathon, it takes preparations and patience. Dedication and discipline.

Walking away is the beginning of a better start, you just have to tell yourself that. That's how Yae'Shawn felt as he packed up his things. After King's grand opening and the celebration at the house, Yae'Shawn had figured he and Reign were doing better but two days after, they got into a big argument in front of Neela.

The sound of her cries was enough to bring him back to reality. If Reign did not want him around or to no longer be married, he would give her a way out. He loved her, would always love her but love was never supposed to hurt. He just hoped that none of the adults would look at him or treat him differently for leaving. After all, his sobriety was being tested and he refused to go back to using drugs to run away from his problems when he worked so hard to change.

He understood the pain he caused Reign when he stayed away and didn't tell her about his problem but that didn't give her a right to throw it back in his face whenever she was upset. A person was allowed to make mistakes and grow from them but Reign wanted him to remember them forever. But unlike her constantly bringing up his past, he never once threw what she did to Lucky or Ava in her face. He could have done it plenty of times during counseling and whenever they argued but that wasn't what he wanted.

Reign was using what he did as an excuse to continue with her rage but wasn't ready to own up to her mistakes. Two wrongs don't make a right but for her, she felt as if she had a right to hurt him the way that he hurt her, not thinking about the innocent people that she involved.

"You sure about this?" Tamir asked, standing in the doorway to what would soon be Yae'Shawn's old bedroom.

"What else do you want me to do, man?" pissed and fighting back tears, Yae'Shawn aggressively closed the bin, "I've done every damn thing I was supposed to... she does not want this and I am not about to stay here and argue with her whenever she gets in a damn mood."

"Where are you staying?"

"I had an apartment on hold since last month, Dae moving in with me."

Tamir frowned, "Damn... I thought we were damn near brothers? Why you ain't ask me?"

"Dae is single and yo' ass is married," he simply replied.

"True," Tamir mumbled, "but shit, you know Kaari be actin' up, so I'll be over. You mindswell buy a house instead of renting," he said as they headed outside to place the bins inside of the U-haul truck.

"I'm doing that next year."

"What?" Daewon cut in.

"Getting the house I told you about."

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