Chapter 88.) Coffee on the Roof pt.1

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⚠️ both parts are X-rated, proceed if you may ⚠️


"The thing about you, is you worry too much. Ava will come back better and they haven't called today, that says a lot, King," Renae told King as they sat at the dining table coloring with Zora while Karter slept.

"I don't worry any more than you do when it comes to our kids, it's not my fault I'm sensitive when tha' girls are down."

"Papa you be sad like my mommy?"

"No," he chuckled at her curiosity, "I'm just joking."

"Ok," she resumed coloring.

"I don't care how many kids they have, I still can't believe she's a mom and a wife..."

"Here you go," Renae playfully rolled her eyes, "King I don't want to hear you say anything about getting old with your emotional behind."

King chuckled, "ain't none wrong with men having feelings, don't be corrupting my stinka butt with your nonsense."

"Please," she waved him off.

"Nana, look!" Zora beamed, holding up the finished picture of the ladybug, "I colored it pink and gween!"

"Pretty colors, stinka butt," Renae hugged her, "Papa's gonna hang this up with your other ones, wanna do another?"

Zora smiled, handing the drawing to King before grabbing a new one.

"We need to host a slumber party," King randomly said after checking on Karter.

"I don't see why not, but it'll have to be during the weekend since the twins are working and so is Sy."

"You know Sy ain't gon' mind, I'll talk with tha' twins and ask Ava when they get back. I guess we could just make it a family thing and see if Kwan will be down."

"You know he won't mind, you figure out what he and Zaire are beefing about?" she queried.

King smirked. He knew she was fishing for information and Kairo had already told him not to mention the issue to her. "He ain't bring it up to me yet and I ain't asking," he shrugged, "they were fine at both parties, so it prolly ain't dat serious."

Renae squinted at him, "Kingston Micah Stone, do you think we've been together all these years for you to think I don't know when you're lying to me?"

"Ooooooh," Zora gasped, "Nana my mommy say that's a bad word."

King busted out laughing.

"What's a bad word? I ain't cuss," Renae chuckled.

"You say a bad word, Nana," she whispered, "you say lie."

King gasped, "she sho' did."

Amused, Renae smacked King's arm, "Nana meant to say that your big-headed granddaddy is telling me a story, Nana sorry." Cutting her eyes at King, Renae squinted at him and whispered, "I'ma whoop yo ass."

"What was dat?" he cupped his ear, "you gon' hurt me?"

Zora gasped again and looked around, "who hurt my Papa?!"

Renae eyed King.

Smirking, King let out a cough to hide his laughter, "Papa just playing, want a snack?"

"Oh yeah!" she wiggled out of Renae's hold and followed him into the kitchen, "can I have nanas and apple sauce?"

"How about we make another fruit salad?"

Zora's eyes widened, "yes!" she cheesed, "Nana come help!"

"Nana's about to check on bruh bruh," standing, Renae eyed King when Zora turned away, "three o'clock," she held her fist up.

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