Chapter 11.) Inhale... Exhale

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"Ramsee Sharik Allen, why are you still here?" Zoya questioned as she stood alongside Lucky as he watched Ava.

"I already tried to get up, it didn't work," he shrugged, "I guess I'm stuck here."

"You aren't stuck, you're choosing to stay and I told you to leave."

"You never told me who dat dude was dat talking to lil mama."

Glancing at her son, Zoya moved closer beside him, "there's no point if you plan on staying here when your family out there needs you."

Lucky pulled his eyes from Ava and stared at his mom, "What does dat even mean?"

"Whatever you want it to mean," she shrugged before gazing ahead. "Aren't you tired of watching yourself from here?"

"What is here anyway?" he frowned, "You said it wasn't heaven... and I'm sure you're supposed to be in heaven, so where am I?"

"In between," she simply said, "and you're not supposed to be, so you need to think about how life would be like if you were to give up on yourself. Ava, your daughter, your little brother..."

"I don't have a lit..." he paused as his mind shifted to Kairo, "you keep telling me dis but aren't helping," he stressed.

Zoya tucked her arms, "You aren't listening to me, I keep telling you to listen and wake up... listen," her eyes lingered on him before she disappeared, "It isn't your time, Ra," her soft voice faded in the wind.

Angry and confused, Lucky turned around and frowned seeing the same man smiling at Ava. Who the hell was he and why was he always around?

At the hospital, Ava was outside of Lucky's room talking with Michelle and Hunt.

"Nah, 'cause nah, I remember when dat old man called Ava the hard er and his family tried to act as if he was demented. Like bitch, your father is a fuckin' racist, stop lying," Hunt said then shook his head. "I still can't believe you ain't choke his ass," he shook his head.

"I wanted to," Ava laughed, "but I was like nope, dis is just another reason for me to leave dis field."

"'Cause one thing about it, if she doesn't do something, her family sure will," Michelle snickered then slapped hands with Hunt.

"And we all know, I did not need dat... I'm grown."

"Well, I'm glad you opened up your own store, but we do miss you here. Michelle's ass always talking about you and Kayla's loud ass," Hunt cracked.

"Boy bye!" Michelle shoved him just as she was called away, "I'll see y'all later."

Waving, Ava leaned against the counter and sighed.

Hunt mirrored her, "How are you holding up? You need anything for lil Zo or yourself?"

"She's good... I'm okay. I've been spending a lot of time in therapy."

Hunt nodded, "is it helping you figure out your feelings?"

"Yeah... I just kind want them to go away for a bit... does dat makes sense?"

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