Chapter 7.) On Your Own

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Friends are sometimes hard to come by, at least real friends are. When a person has a good set of friends or one true best friend, they try to enjoy the most out of their lives. When a person thinks about choosing friends, loyalty and support come into the equation. A genuine friend will stand by your side through the good and bad times. But loyalty is tested during the rough moments. For a person to maintain a good friendship, there has to be honesty and trust.

If you can lie to a friend, you'll lie to anyone, and for what reason? Why lie to the only person or people who only want the best for you? A relationship but a friendship based on trust and honesty will do you more good than harm in the long run. No matter how a person may feel or think, we all need a friend to help us through every stage of life to survive. Life itself is a hassle, friendships shouldn't be.

There will also be moments when friends will come and go like the seasons. Some are placed in our lives for a season, reason, lesson, or forever. But you should handle each interaction with love and hopes that it'll last forever. You'll cry. You'll laugh. And the wrong choice of friends can create problems in your life. But friendships that last long are based on pure emotions and connections.

That was how Emori felt as she tried her best to not get caught staring at Jaheem for the millionth time.

The crew decided to play Golf. They've been around each other long enough to realize they were more than coworkers, but Emori couldn't get a decent swing in to save her life. She'd blame it on distracting her with his tawny brown complexion that glowed in the sunlight and looked as smooth as butter even with his toned arms decorated with ink. Or maybe she'd blame it on his deep waves and flashy smile. Damn, she had it bad.

"It's your turn boo," Eshe snapped her out of her thoughts.

Dreading her failure, Emori picked up her golf club and assumed the position. Whoever thought it was a good idea to play golf in the cold was crazy! "Here goes," she muttered, cranking the club back and then swinging.

"That's a damn shame, you ain't hit nan' one ball," Cam chuckled.

"Shutttttt up," she wiggled her nose at him before preparing to swing again.

"Come on chica!" Indya cheered her on.

Can't they see I can't play this crap? Emori thought. Taking a deep breath, she cranked back and swung again. The ball traveled all by four inches away from her.

"Bless your heart, you're trying," Cam joked, heading down to their next spot.

"Not everyone played every sport in high school like your ugly ass!" Eshe spoke in Emori's defense.

"Don't get mad 'cause I was an athlete, Miss I ran track once."

Eshe held both middle fingers up at him, "Suck my ass!"

"I'd rather croak over," he pushed her and the group busted out laughing at how serious he sounded, even Eshe had to laugh.

Once they reached their spot, Indya prepared to take her turn and Emori stood in the far back analyzing. This was Indya's first time playing golf and she hit like a pro. Eshe played on Wii and claimed that's how she mastered the art. Emori had no excuse, sports wasn't her thing unless it was flag football.

"You 'ont have to keep beating yourself up with dis if you 'ont want to," Jah whispered to Emori.

"It's either this or I'll be a Debby Downer, sitting in the restaurant," she stated.

"I can show you how to swing if you want?" he suggested.

Emori watched Cam take his turn and pondered just to make it seem as if she wasn't interested before nodding, "If you can."

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