Chapter 72.) Drunk Confessions

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"Have you noticed something a little off between Luck and Ava?" Renae asked King as they went through the kids' baby pictures.

"I have but if either wanted help they would ask," he answered.

"I think Luck's in the dog house," she whispered as if they weren't the only ones in the house.


"He's wearing the same look that the rest of you men wore whenever y'all did something you weren't supposed to," she snickered.

"Whatever it was, I'm on goon's side," he shrugged.

"We know she's your besttt friend," she cooed.

King smiled, "whatever she says goes, sorry to him tho," he chuckled.

"You think we should ask?"

"No, it's not our business. They're grown, they'll work it out," he assured.

"Next topic, spoke with my dad and he's worried about Lay..."

"What's going on?"

Renae sighed, "the allowance he's been giving her... it doesn't last longer than two weeks."

King placed the photo of Ava down and turned toward Renae, "what do you mean?"

"Exactly that, babe," she shook her head, "I think and he thinks she's giving her money to that damn boy."

"How much is her allowance?"

"A thousand dollars a month."

King's brows shot up, "and it's gone after two weeks?"

"Exactly," Renae sighed again, "he said she's been acting differently. She's not returning his calls when she's out, she's sneaking out after midnight, and she gets mad if he asks about the damn boy."

King was silent for a while before speaking, "I know how you are Nae, so don't start thinking tha' worst thing. Dis is her first relationship so she prolly thinks she's in love or something and doesn't see an issue with him taking money from her... do y'all know anything about him?"

Renae shook her head, "she doesn't like to talk to us about him... I've tried, King, and I'm scared because I know how she is, so she'll do whatever to fit in and please others... I know that ugly ass boy is using her," she pouted.

"If he is... what exactly can we do if she doesn't want our input?" He queried. "Dajon told me dat she's been having smoke for Dante behind her dude, so imagine how she would feel if we offer a helping hand. She's gonna feel attacked, Nae... I hate to say dis because if she were our daughter, I'd be ready to whoop dude's ass but dis seems like a situation where we'll have to wait until she wants help or a fire is lit under her ass."

"She's young tho, she doesn't know any better," she whined.

"You know dat, I know dat but she doesn't. Whatever dude is telling or showing her, she's eating it up, especially since he's older. You know some girls feel as if they hit tha' lottery just 'cause an older guy is attracted to 'em. How Lay is thinking right now, she will seek help when tha' smoke clears from her eyes, ma," he explained.

"I hope so," she mumbled, holding a picture of Assyria, "I miss them being so young and innocent. She was our chubbiest," she smiled softly.

"She loved food," he chuckled, "all they wanted to do was eat, but dat one loved oatmeal. I do wish we could rewind tha' clock... I'd do things so much differently," he admitted.

"Same... but I'm proud of the adults they are... makes me feel good to know that we raised them right."

"Even if some made some odd choices," he chuckled.

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