Chapter 87.) Always in My Head

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"You almost ready to go, love?" Lucky asked Ava as he texted Kairo to make sure he would be over to house-sit. After Zora's party, Lucky told Ava about the trip that King suggested. She declined for a few days before finally agreeing to go. It was November the 7th, the temperature was chilly, and the trees were stripped and bare as the fallen browned leaves covered the ground.

"My mom won't answer the phone," she stressed, attempting to call Renae for the fifth time.

"Das' because she knows you're calling to check on tha' kids..."

"We're going to be away for five days... I just want to talk to them."

"We will call when we get to tha' cabin... do you need help packing?" he stood.

"No..." she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "I'm ready."

Standing, Lucky grabbed their things and followed behind her just as they heard the front door open and close.

"Where all tha' white women at?!"

"Dis nigga," Lucky chuckled as Kairo turned the corner grinning.

"Y'all been was supposed to be out tha' door," he said as he walked over and threw his arm around Ava, "wassup?"

"Hey," she smiled, "why are you so bubbly?"

"'Cause I'm finna have dis big ass place to myself," he smirked, "finna turn it into House Party."

Lucky cut his eyes at him, "I dare ya."

"Your wish is my command," Kairo bowed then busted out laughing when Lucky pushed him over.

Amused, Lucky headed outside while Ace and Angel made their way into the kitchen.

"Make sure you have fun, a'ight?" Kairo told Ava.

"I will," she hugged him, "are you gonna bring Kelly over?"

"Maybe," he continued smirking, "we ain't gonna do tha' nasty," he added.

Ava scrunched her face up, "wasn't thinking that."

Making their way outside, Kairo spoke with Lucky for a brief moment before Lucky got situated in the car and pulled off. Heading inside, Kairo retrieved his phone from his pocket and headed into the kitchen.

"How'd it go?" King asked after answering.

"She seemed fine, Luck said he'll send a text if she starts to get anxious."

"She'll be fine... you bringing tha' dogs over?"

"Yup, I'ma let 'em finish eating first before I pack their lil toy bag or whatever bro calls it."

King chuckled, "you know he takes care of those dogs as if they're his extended kids."

"Black people and their pets gotta be tha' most hilarious thing ever done."

"Facts, I'm in tha' middle of talking with Dajon, so I'll see you when you get here."

"Bet," Kairo nodded before ending the call.


"Sinny Sin!" Dante dramatically called to Sinclair from down the busy campus hall.

Saying bye to her friends, Sinclair hoisted up her bag and made her way through the crowd, "hii," she smiled, embracing Dante.

"Somebody's birthday is coming up," he smirked down at her.

"So is yours," she blushed, "what are you doing for your day?"

"Hmm..." he pretended to think, "let's see, I have this special day planned for this pretty young thing I just started dating."

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