Chapter 52.) Are You Okay? Truly?

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The night's sky was aglow with the city's bright city lights. The moon emitted an ethereal glow through the thin clouds as a million stars decorated the background. There was a light breeze that made its way through the air as Ava and Lucky cuddled up in front of the cozy fireplace. They were sharing a bottle of champagne and white chocolate-covered strawberries as soft jazz played lowly through the wireless speaker.

Things have been going well for the Stone family lately and Lucky and Ava wanted to cherish every good thing that was going on. Zora was enjoying her time with her grandparents, and Ace and Angel were getting a chance to sleep over at Dajon's and Ary's place per Dante's suggestion.

"Do you still feel comfortable going to Philly every once in a while?" Ava asked before pouring more champagne into her glass.

Nodding, Lucky picked up another strawberry and pulled her toward him, "I do... when do you wanna head back?"

"After tha' New Year maybe," she casually shrugged while tracing his many tattoos.

"I guess it won't hurt to share my roots with lil mama."

"Nope..." her gaze lingered on the tattoo of her name, "are you sure you're okay with trying tha' plant base thing with me?"

"Why not?" He grabbed another strawberry.

"Positive?" She tilted her head up and squinted.

"Have I ever lied to you?" He smiled against her lips.

"Hmm..." she tapped her chin.

Lucky chuckled, "you still gon' hold dat against me?"

"Technically you did and didn't lie about your background," she giggled.

"It's a yes or no question, love," he smiled.

"How about..." she draped her arm around his neck and tugged on his ear, "maybe?"

"Hmm," he stared at her, "just like dat?"

"Hmm," she mocked him, "maybe."

Lucky chuckled, "das' your new saying?"


"Ava," he tried not to laugh.

"Ramsee," she mirrored his tone.

"Stop playing."

"Fine," giggling, she went back to her spot and picked up her glass, "how do you feel about possibly living we're like one hundred?"

"Prolly won't mind," he poured champagne into his glass, "living dat long is an accomplishment for us... let's just hope I won't be wheelchair-bound."

"You think that'll happen?"

"Maybe, I'm tall as hell. You know taller people shrink when they age and get a lil hump... or maybe das' some weird genetics thing."

"I used to want to live until like a hundred and two... just to see if we'll finally get flying cars and stuff," she giggled.

"Tha' world ain't built for dat type of advancement. Can't even do right by tha' technology we have now. I am not putting my trust in a flying car, barely like planes," he said.

"Planes make me feel as if I'm flying," she smiled softly. "I always thought dat if I got on a plane, I'd be able to finally see what heaven looked like..."

"Nobody knows what dat looks like..." his voice softened, "I hate when they make those movies about people waking up from a coma talkin' about they saw God and heaven... call me mean, but they be exaggerating like a ma'fucka."

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