Chapter 89.) Coffee on the Roof pt.2

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Back at the cabin with Ava and Lucky, the storm had begun again but that didn't stop the pair from enjoying each other. Lucky's hands explored Ava's body as she rode him into euphoric bliss effortlessly. Part of him felt as if they would fall over the sofa the way she handled him. Ava's body was at war with desire and the craving for denial. No matter how she tried to envision things, she knew that she would always crave him. His touch. His laughter. His comfort. His love. She was obsessed with him but in a good way, if that was possible.

Lucky felt her body tense up and he knew she was near another orgasm. Holding her still, his eyes locked on hers as the intense wave took control over her body. Pressing her forehead against his, Ava worked on calming her breathing as she tried to enjoy every minute of their small break.

"Are you having second thoughts?" Lucky decided to ask.

"No... I'm trying to remember if I'm ovulating this week or not," she mumbled. There was no way she was anywhere near prepared to get pregnant soon.

"You have two more weeks," he answered, "Doc taught me how to keep track."

Ava pulled back briefly and tilted her head to the side, "I don't know if I should be afraid of that or proud of you..."

Lucky cracked a smile, "I wanted to learn so I would avoid getting you pregnant without permission."

"Oh..." she smiled awkwardly, "um... well thanks."

"We can stop if you want... I know I 'ont shoot blanks and Karter's only two months."

Pondering, Ava scanned her mind for multiple scenarios before settling on the 50-50 factor. "I don't want to."

"I have to buy condoms when we get home, huh?" Lucky asked as he and Ava lay tangled in the sheets.

"You don't like when I talk about birth control, so yup," she giggled.

"I don't see why you gotta put yourself through dat when I can just strap up even tho I hate doing it."

"That's why I do it," she laughed, "you act like you're allergic... we are not ready for another kid yet," she told him.

"Two... maybe three years?" he reasoned.

Ava nodded, "but I know you aren't gonna wear condoms for that long so let's talk about me taking the pills again."

Lucky sighed, "ard."

"You didn't have a choice," she smiled before pecking his lips. "thank you for this."

"Feeling like yourself?"

"I am," she admitted, "you okay?"

Lucky nodded, "I'm gucci."

"I love you."

"I know," he smiled at her.

"Hey," she plucked his forehead, "say it back," she pouted.

Lucky remained quiet.



"Dude?" she squinted at him.


Ava's brows dipped, "Ramsee?"

"I love you," he spoke softly as he stared at her. "I missed your smile and your laughter," he added.

"I've been fighting," she blushed.

"I see it," he continued staring at her, "my heart is yours, love."

"You'll always have mine," she promised.

Sunshine came faster than the pair was able to rest. Somewhere after dinner and their shower, Ava and Lucky went for another round and passed out a little after midnight. The pair had been enjoying the best slumber of their lives until Lucky's phone rang. Ava rolled over but refused to open her eyes.

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