Chapter 70.) Stop Keeping Secrets

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"You sure you wanna know?" Dr. Abara queried, glancing between Ava and Lucky. It's been a week. An anxious-filled week for the pair. The original plan was to wait until Ava went into labor to find out the gender of their baby but after Ava's spell, as she put it, she wanted to know.

"We do," Lucky assured.

Nodding, Dr. Abara prepared the ultrasound machine after applying the jelly to Ava's stomach.

Lucky remained standing as his eyes locked on the machine the moment he heard the baby's heartbeat.

Making sure they could see the screen, Dr. Abara began speaking, "the heartbeat is strong but beating just a little slow, that's no concern."

Ava lay quietly as she stared at the ceiling.

"Now let's move a bit over to check baby's face..."

Lucky slightly leaned forward.

"No signs of abnormalities..."

"Huh?" Lucky softly frowned.

"No birth defects," Ava chuckled.

"Oh," his body relaxed.

"Heartbeat is still going strong... now let's see if we can find all of the fingers."

Briefly releasing Ava's hand to walk closer to the monitor, Lucky sat on the side of the bed and stared intensely at the screen.

Dr. Abara whispered to herself for a while then smiled, "All there, let's check the little toes."

Ava smiled.

"Ten little toes... now let's backtrack and... oop, there's the turtle."

Confused, Lucky glanced at Ava.

Ava's smile widened.

"What?" Lucky asked.

Dr. Abara sat there snickering at his genuine curiosity.

"We're having a boy!"

Lucky's eyes widened as he stood and moved closer to the screen. "Turtle... ohhhhhhh!" He laughed, "oh shit, das' code for penis?"

The women laughed.

Amused and shocked, Lucky just smiled, "a son... I'm having a son."

Dr. Abara smiled, "congratulations," she playfully nudged him, "boys are blessings."

"I know..." he slowly sat down and closed his eyes.

Glancing at Ava, Dr. Abara stood, "I'll leave you two alone while I print these," she handed Ava a rag to wipe the jelly off.

Thanking her, Ava sat up, "are you okay?"

Lucky nodded.


"We're having a son..." his voice softened, "am I ready for dat?"

"Yes," she quickly answered, "you're an awesome father to Zoie and you'll be an even better father to our son. It's okay to be nervous but you'll be fine... we'll be fine," she promised as she wrapped her arms around him.

Lucky remained quiet as his mind began to wander.

14 1/2-year-old Lucky

"What do you plan on doing when you're older?" Zoya asked Lucky as she oiled his scalp.

Lucky shrugged, "what you mean by dat?"

Zoya laughed, "like do you want to get married? Do you want kids? Are you gonna stay in Philly all your life? What do you want to do after school?"

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