Chapter 3.) Blast from the Past

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"We've been here for a day and still don't have a damn update," an exhausted Kairo said as he stood and made his way out of the room.

Assyria stood to stretch before she followed him. "Kai?"

"Lil bit?" he glanced at her as he slowed his pace. His stomach was talking to him and he wanted to find the nearest vending machine. A bag of chips would be better than the unseasoned food in the cafeteria.

"Where you going?" she walked alongside him and tucked her hands into her pockets.

Kairo shrugged, walking through the double doors and stared at the map for a moment before busting a right, "Tryna find some food... should've grabbed something when we left to change."

"Trauma will do dat to a person," she casually replied as they walked by a few staff members. "I wonder how many floors they have?"

Kairo shrugged again, "Different levels for different departments."

"Right," she mumbled then sighed, "Ava had tha' baby, we all know dat... I just wanna know what's going on with Lucky... probably should've asked Cam."

"From tha' way they ran out of here... never mind," Kairo shook the thought off.

"Yeah..." she mumbled, "I rather not think about it either," she admitted following him onto the elevator.

There was an eerie silence between the two as they sulked in their thoughts until the doors opened.

"Hopefully they got a vending machine on dis floor," Kairo said as they stepped off just as nurses sprinted by.

Kairo and Assyria glanced at one another before following behind an older nurse they recognized.

"Excuse me?" Kairo stopped her.

"What are y'all running for?" Assyria asked.

"Another code, excuse me," she pulled away from Kairo and took off.

Glancing at Assyria, Kairo took off behind with Assyria following. Making it down the chaotic scene, Kairo and Assyria stood against the wall as a bed was rushed down the hall with a nurse performing CPR,  another pumping air through a bag, and the doctor trying to stop the heavy bleeding. Kairo and Assyria were confused until they realized the person was Lucky.

"Oh no..." Assyria shook her head as her eyes welled with tears, "Wait..." she tried to move but Kairo grabbed her, "WAIT!"

"Sy stop."

"He's not supposed to die!" she shoved him and tried to run but he caught her, "IT'S NOT FAIR!" She began swinging at him, "IT'S NOT FAIR!"

There were no words that Kairo could think of. He had no idea what to say. The longer they stayed in the hospital the more he realized why he hated them in the first place; they always brought bad news.


Back on the postpartum floor with Ava were King and Renae. They've been by her side for roughly fourteen hours after the birth of baby Zora trying to keep her mind off of the one thing they knew she wanted to ask about; Lucky. She had a million and one questions and wanted answers right then and there but per Doctors' orders and Doctor Abara's orders, she was only allowed to receive updates on Zora.

Stones Diary: Built for Pressura' 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora