How Quickly Life Can Flip

Start from the beginning

Lia was holding onto my other hand, "Hunter I promise that it's going to be fine, just try and stop moving before the medics get here."

"How long do they bloody take?" Ona huffed before standing up and yelling, "Can we get some medics over here?"

Even then I chuckled at Ona's passion and huffiness.

"See," Alexia tried to smile down at me, but I could see the worry and strain in her eyes, "You're going to be fine. You'll be back on the pitch in no time, I promise."

I shook my head, feeling the tears spill onto my cheeks, "Don't promise me that," I pleaded, knowing it was one which she couldn't keep. 

Lia quickly wiped the tears from my face, "Ona can you sit here so people can't see?" She asked.

There was all this noise around me, I could hear the fellow player's conversation and questions, I could hear my people's promises and assurance, I could hear the crowd's yell for a penalty and red card but there was one voice which I couldn't hear. The one I wanted the most.
I clenched my eyes shut, gritting my teeth and trying to go back to those moments where heaven felt close by because her laugh was like the greatest ballad of all time and her smile outshone the sun. But I couldn't. 

Though, I could hear the voices of the medics arriving, "Hunter can you tell us what happened?" He requested as the pair of them kneeled by me. 

I lifted my head up and then threw it right back down into Alexia's lap, in frustration, "I was running and got tackled, I didn't fall over my bloody self, did I?" Their question seemed stupid, I just wanted them to get me off of this pitch and pump some sort of drugs into my system. 

He chuckled, thinking I was being funny, "I see you've still got your sense of humor, that's a good sign."

Mapi grimaced, "I think she was being serious."

"Oh," His mouth formed an 'o' shape. These medics were being bloody useless in my mind; I was withering on the floor with some sort of injury and they were joking about my sense of humor.

"Can you walk?" The woman asked. 

Alexia gave them a wide-eyed look, "Does it seem like she can walk?" She stressed the seriousness of the situation to them 

The man spoke into his walkie-talkie, "Okay, we're going to need a stretcher over here."

Alexia spoke quickly, knowing I'd be taken aways soon, "You're going to be okay, I promise that. We will all be right by your side the second the match finishes, so you won't be alone for too long. I love you Hunts."

The medical staff hoisted me onto the stretcher, I gritted my teeth from the pain and dug my nails deeply into the palm of my hand while Mapi still held onto my other hand. As we were walking off the pitch, Mapi leaned down and kissed my forehead, "You'll be okay and I'll be by your side in no time. Okay?"

I tensed my jaw, trying not to cry in front of the whole stadium, knowing all eyes were on me, "Okay," I nodded.

Mapi sent me one last weak smile before she gently dropped my hand and I was taken into the tunnel. The minute I knew I was out of the public's sight, I pulled my shirt over my face and sobbed, overwhelmed by everything; the pain, the emotions, the noise, the idea I would never step foot on the pitch again, the faces of my friends, the fear in Alexia's eyes. It all terrified me. 

The medic cleared his throat, "We're going to give you some painkillers and run some brief tests, though the majority will probably be done back at your club."

I just nodded, knowing words seemed far too unattainable right now. 

They took a single x-ray, which was their 'brief test' and then handed me some pain killers in the medical room, where I could also watch the remainder of the second half. Though, I couldn't see much through the glassiness of my eyes and the trembles of my soul.

Then a thought dawned on me, the world cup. The World Cup was in just over twelve weeks. I couldn't miss it, the thought killed me. I genuinely wished I could curl up into a ball and stay there forever but the stupidly big boot on my foot would've gotten in my way. 

Suddenly the door opened, though the game was far from over so I assumed it would be medical staff however someone else walked through the door with a scared smile on their face.


Just the sight of Jill made me burst into tears, I couldn't tell you why but seeing someone who usually made me so happy and free in a dark time like this, broke me. Jill seemed to reach a part of my heart which no one else did; I guessed it was the biggest attribute of our relationship in times of laughter and happiness, though it could also be overpoweringly emotional.  

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