"Yo también te extrañé, pero ahora estás aquí (I missed you too, but you're here now)," She assured me as we pulled away, Alexia held my shoulders, keeping us close together as she brushed the wet hair from my face. 

Just that gentle, motherly act brought tears to my eyes, "Realmente los extrañé a ustedes dos (I really missed you two)," I nodded, trying to choke back the tears.

Alexia wiped the single tear away before anyone else would see, "Lo sé, lo sé (I know, I know)," She hushed, "Pero ahora estamos todos juntos (but we're all together now)," her and Mapi brought me into another hug. 

My barriers came crashing down when I was with them; I'd never been sure why but I'd always guessed that I knew I was protected when they were around. With Mapi and Alexia by my side, I knew I was safe. They were the only people who made me feel truly safe, so being in their arms felt unreal; I felt like I was a changed person yet again. It felt like I was a kid, back when everything was simple and the world felt kind.

Eventually, we all trailed onto the Arsenal plane which was heading to Arsenal. I'd gotten ahold of myself now, not wanting the team to see me so fragile. 

As we walked down the aisle, Mapi held onto my shoulders giggling to herself like we were in a conga line, "Where do you want to sit?" She asked. Mapi had insisted on speaking English because she wanted to improve her skills so she could communicate better with my team. 

"Right here," I pointed, "Can I sit by the window?"

"Of course," Mapi nodded.

I heard a complaint from Alexia behind us, "Who am I meant to sit with guys?" She huffed. It was funny because to everyone else in the plane she was La Reina; someone almost unhuman and madly talented. But to me, she was my older sister, someone who'd pulled my hair and chased me around with knives as we grew up; I couldn't imagine seeing her in any other light. 

An idea sparked into my mind, knowing I could give someone the highlight of their life, "Hey McCabe!" I shouted across the plane. 

Katie, too, looked a little lost as she turned around, "What?"

"Alexia is lonely, will you sit next to her?" I asked, like it was some massive favor. 

I saw this grin take ahold of Katie's face but she quickly pushed it away, acting all cool, "Alright," she sighed, plodding over to us. I knew the entire flight would just be Katie fangirling, I couldn't wait for Alexia to tell me all about it. 

Me and Mapi got settled into our seats, "They were two incredible goals," she told me.

"Could have gotten three," I sighed, always wanting to better myself. 

"Yeah," Mapi seemed just as confused as everyone else, "Why did you pass? I don't think I've ever seen you pass like that before."

"I honestly have no clue," I sighed, a yawn escaping my mouth. 

"Come on," Mapi patted her shoulder, "Take a nap, we'll have a long night."

I didn't resist and to be honest, I couldn't resist because I was exhausted both physically and mentally. I shifted and laid my head onto Mapi's shoulder, snuggling into her side, "You're quite comfy," I joked quietly.

Mapi chuckled, "Only for you."

It only took a matter of seconds before I fell asleep though it wasn't a long flight so I was quickly awakened. 

Mapi whispered my name, "Hunts. Hunter."

I opened my eyes, already regretting it as the lights blinded me. 

"You've got an audience," she laughed lightly.

This startled me so I turned to see members of the squad all starring at me and Alexia filming, "Fuck off you lot," I groaned, yawning, "I would greatly appreciate some privacy around here."

"Oh," Alexia teased, "Is the poor baby tired from scoring two worldies?"

I rolled my eyes, "No, I'm tired from these lot bugging me," I pointed towards the Arsenal squad members. 

"I woke you up because I thought you'd want to see us flying over Barcelona," Mapi told me softly, her face close to mine.

I nodded, "Yeah, I like watching us land."

"There was some crazy turbulence," Mapi laughed under her breath, "I thought it would have woken you up."

I pulled my eyes away from the window, frowning slightly because I could only think of one person. For some reason I grew worried even though I knew nothing seriously bad could have happened because the plane was now calm, though my chest still tied into a knot.

"What is it?" Mapi asked, seeing my expression change. 

I shook my head, burying the feelings, "No, it's nothing."

Like Real People Do - Jill RoordWhere stories live. Discover now