'Did he become a lolico-' Yuki couldn't help but start to think, yet she was interrupted.

"I would never like lolis in a romantic sense! I have my own principles, which I intend to keep, plus my heart is already occupied by two girls I love in a romantic sense" Kentarou retorded, which made the two lolis on his arms freeze in shock while the sound of something breaking was heard.

"I think you just broke their hearts" Yuki couldn't help but comment while wondering who the other girl that occupied his heart is.

"Well, I might not treat you two as potential lovers, but I will surely treat you as family afterall I am in a sense your father in this plane as I am the one that gave existence to you two here" Kentarou said which shocked the two until they noticed Yuki has purple translucent fairy like wings.

"Ken-nii, is she a fairy?" Akazuki/Little Red asked as she pointed towards Yuki. Kentarou thought for a moment and then nodded.

"Wow!! A real life fairy!! Ken-nii really came from a world more fantastical than mine!!" Alice couldn't help but say as she curiously studied Yuki's wings, making Yuki shiver at her touch.

"It certainly is fantastical considering that almost everyone here has a power" Kentarou said.

"Really!!" Alice said in excitement, not doubting Kentarou one bit despite him disappearing on her after giving her a weapon since in her mind the reason why she died is completely her fault.

"Yes, even the two of you have it. Alice has Hydrokinesis and can summon the rapier I gave her while Akazuki has Pyrokinesis and the power to partially transform into a big bad wolf in her world" Kentarou explained which made Akazuki shake in fear as she remembered the events before her death. Kentarou noticed this and could only hug her at that moment since that was all he could do at this moment.

"Ken-nii, what happened to our worlds then?" Akazuki asked as she buried herself deeper into Kentarou's chest while gripping his shirt tightly. Remembering the village being burnt down though she can't remember their faces.

"I... I don't know since I was transported there due to someone and the two of you are the main characters in a story in this world" Kentarou said honestly since it was better for him to tell them the truth early rather than them having an existential crisis later when they find out on their own.

The news shocked the two to their core as even Alice wanted to be hugged like Akazuki due to the revelation.

"Then how are we here?! I clearly remember myself dying!" Alice shouted as tears continued to fall from her eyes.

"It's due to me. Sadly, only you two can be revived as you have given me something that stored a lot of your memories in" Kentarou said while gritting his teeth in frustration.

Yuki, who heard this, felt a connection with the two kids in Kentarou's arms right now, as well as the feeling of not wanting to see them cry out of sadness, which awakened her motherly instincts

"Our situations are the same then" Yuki added as she joined the hug and instead of Alice and Akazuki pushing her away due to being a stranger and all the psychological confusion they currently are in the two accepted the hug and even felt comforted by it.

"You see, my power was stolen from me when I was a kid, but my power was actually linked to my life. Thus, when I lost it, I started to die slowly as my body started to collapse even with the help of others until I couldn't move and my life was being sustained by machines" Yuki started to narrate her own story to the two kids who listened.

"You see, when I was just hours away from death, this guy right here came storming into my life and gave me a perfectly healthy body with the power that I lost due to an accident the power I lost was transferred to him in hopes of destroying his body and mind" Yuki continued which made the two kids look at her with a doubtful expression so she could only look at Kentarou for help since she didn't really know the reason.

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