𓃬Savanaclaw ~ Chapter 4𓃬

Start from the beginning

''Less noise, please! As soon as every dorm has decided on their roster, make sure to submit all the paperwork to miss Alerie.'' Azul interrupted them. ''If the paperwork is late by even a day...''

''One will be disqualified... I believe?'' Riddle wanted to confirm disqualification as a suitable punishment.

''No. I will accept a special processing fee. An express delivery fee if you will.'' Azul happily said.

''Huh...? I find it in terrible manners to modify the rules so that others are excused.'' Riddle growled at Azul's statement.

''Hahaha! I'm grateful for it though!'' Kalim laughed at it as it wasn't something serious.

'' *Ahem* '' Alerie coughed to get everybody's attention. ''I talked with headmaster Crowley. And as I am a secretary, it's my obligation to make sure that everybody has submitted all the paperwork. Therefore, I will come and collect the paperwork at the last day of the deadline.''

Alerie quickly looked to see Azul's facial expression, which seemed a bit annoyed. Crowley has already told her to be wary of Azul, and his proposition that Crowley couldn't decline last year.

''Very well, miss Alerie. But we are getting a little off topic.'' Crowley stopped their conversation. ''As for the tournament bracket... I'd like to propose an idea.''

''An idea?'' Riddle asked.

''Yes, miss Alerie suggested to include the dorm leaders in the decision. Starting with this tournament... I would like to have Diasomnia's dorm leader Malleus Draconia, inducted into the Hall of Fame.'' Crowley proposed. He could feel Alerie scowling at him.

''What's the meaning of this?'' Leona glared at Crowley.

''Since Draconia enrolled in this school, the other dorms have been crushed without scoring a single point. Diasomnia scored over 100 points, and more than 90% were scored by Draconia. This tournament is not for mere pleasure. In order to discover the next generation of talents, the world pays attention. Regardless of whoever plays against Diasomnia, the match is over before the other dorm can do anything.''

''I get it. I wither after seeing this development over and over.'' Idia commented.

''Savanaclaw is a dorm, where many aim to join the Magical Shift Pro League. Savanaclaw is a dorm with a history of victories. Even so, you have lost to Diasomnia in the past two tournaments. This will not leave a strong impression on scouts.''

''So, what you're saying is that we're going to get beaten again?'' Leona continued glaring on Crowley.

''I have already received Draconia's consent on this matter.'' Crowley informed. ''All I need is your approval as dorm leaders.''

''The thing I hate the most in this world is being told; 'You will never be number one'. '' Leona said as he slammed his hand on the table.

''That is not what I am saying...'' Crowley tried to defend himself from the misunderstanding.

''Then what!'' Leona demanded. ''In Magift, it's not about physical strength. It's about using your head.''

''I don't' think I could beat Malleus in a battle of wits.'' Kalim commented.

''Hmph, maybe for you. But for me, I'm different.'' Leona stated. ''Sure, no one will beat him in a battle of brawn, but in brains it's different.''

''Ooh? Care to enlighten us?'' Azul asked curious at Leona's statement.

''The King of Beasts took his place as king through hard work and wits. Wrack your brains and come up with a way to beat that monster! I bet that the whole world would admire whichever team did that. Are you really going to pass up a once in a lifetime opportunity.''

''Even you say smart things sometimes. I also think that your idea is nonsense, Headmaster.'' Vil exclaimed his decision. ''Excluding those with talent. Isn't that just your unconscious bias showing? I hate things like that.''

''I couldn't agree more!'' Alerie suddenly exclaimed, making everybody look at her in confusion.

''Heeh~ Even Miss Secretary agrees with me.'' Leona teases her.

''U-Uhm... Sorry, I just happened to agree with you and suddenly got competitive myself...'' Alerie confessed while blushing. ''Personally, that-''

As Alerie  was about to say something more her phone began to ring. When she saw that it was the school nurse's caller id, she showed Crowley the screen and nodded in confirm.

''Excuse me, this is an important call. I have to take it.'' and with that she exited the Mirror Chamber.

''Anyway, I also agree. I have no intention of throwing the towel before the battle has even begun.'' Riddle stated breaking the silence.

''Eh? What is happening? Am I the only one who thinks letting him in the Hall of Fame is fine?'' Idia questioned confused.

''There you have it, Teach. We won't be letting Malleus in the Hall of Fame.'' Leona said.

''My goodness... Fine, understood.'' Crowley said in defeat. ''However, if the same situation occurs this year, he will be entered into the Hall of Fame next year.''

''That brings us to the end of today's meeting. Everyone, please don't forget to turn in the paperwork.'' Azul concluded the meeting.

''By the way, did we forget to tell Malleus about the dorm leader meeting again?'' Vil questioned.

''Ah!'' everybody gasped.

As the dorm leaders left, Alerie entered the Mirror Chamber and headed towards the headmaster, who was waiting on her.

''Crowley, it was the nurse from the infirmary. There has been another accident...''

''What in the names of the Seven is happening?'' Crowley wondered at this frequent occurrence that has been happening lately.

Word count: 1427

To be continued

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