home (hanni x fem reader)

Start from the beginning

they spent the rest of the afternoon talking, catching up on their lives and reminiscing about their college days. the awkwardness between them dissipated, replaced by a comfortable familiarity.

hanni felt a sudden urge to ask y/n a question that had been on her mind since they started talking. "have you dated anyone after we broke up?" she asked, trying to sound casual.

y/n shook her head, her eyes locked with hanni's . "no, I haven't. I couldn't bring myself to date anyone else. I missed you too much."

hanni's heart skipped a beat at y/n's words. She had never thought that y/n still had feelings for her. "I missed you too," she whispered, reaching out to take y/n's hand.

y/n smiled, squeezing hanni's hand. "I'm glad we're talking again. I've missed you so much."

as the sun began to set, they stood up, stretching their legs. hanni felt a sudden urge to reach out to y/n, to take her hand and pull her closer.

she leaned in and pressed her lips to y/n's. it was a gentle, hesitant kiss, but it felt like coming home.

y/n responded, her hand coming up to cup hanni's cheek, deepening the kiss. they pulled away, breathless, their foreheads touching.

"I never stopped loving you," hanni whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. hanni's breath caught in her throat, and she felt her heart racing. she couldn't believe that y/n was here with her, kissing her and looking at her like that.

y/n smiled, her eyes sparkling. "I never stopped loving you either."

y/n leaned in again, her lips meeting hanni's in a soft, sweet kiss. hanni's eyes fluttered closed, and she kissed y/n back eagerly, her hands threading through y/n's hair, the warmth between them growing stronger with every passing moment. it felt like they had finally found what they had been searching for, all these years.

the kiss was soft and tender at first, but it quickly grew more passionate, with both of them pouring all of their longing and desire into it. it was like no time had passed between them, and they were back in each other's arms, where they belonged.

hanni felt as if a weight had been lifted off her chest, and she kissed y/n back with all the love and passion that she had kept bottled up for so long.

as they broke apart, y/n smiled, her eyes shining with happiness. "I'm so glad we found each other again," she said.

hanni nodded, feeling like she was finally home. "me too," she said, leaning in for another kiss. this time, there was no awkwardness or hesitation, only love and passion.

hanni knew that she had found her way back to the love of her life. she kept smiling at y/n.

they made their way home, cuddling each other, reminiscing the past together.

hanni wandered through the streets, lost and alone. she had been searching for y/n for what seemed like hours, but she couldn't find her. she had been to every place they used to go together, but y/n was nowhere to be found.

as she turned a corner, she saw a familiar figure in the distance. it was y/n, standing in front of a small house, beckoning her to come closer.

hanni's heart leapt with joy, and she ran towards her, tears streaming down her face. she embraced y/n tightly, relieved to finally be with her again.

y/n led hanni inside the house, and hanni was struck by how familiar everything felt. the furniture, the decorations, even the scent of the air, all reminded her of the life they had once shared.

hanni felt a sense of comfort wash over her, as if she had finally found her way home. but then, as she looked at y/n, she noticed something strange.

y/n's eyes were distant, and her movements seemed slow and sluggish. hanni began to feel a sense of unease, wondering if something was wrong.

suddenly, y/n turned to hanni and spoke in a voice that sounded far away. "hanni," she said. "I'm not really here, you need to move on," y/n's voice echoed in her head.

hanni's heart sank as she reached out to touch y/n's hand again, only to find that it passed through her like air. confused and disoriented, hanni looked around, trying to make sense of what was happening.

suddenly, everything went black, and hanni felt herself falling, falling into a dark abyss. her mind was in turmoil as she tried to understand what had just happened. was it all a dream? had she been hallucinating?

as she landed on the ground, hanni looked up and saw y/n's face, but it was different this time. her features were hazy and indistinct, and her eyes were closed. it was then that hanni realised the truth - y/n was long gone.

they never broke up, hanni just made it up to comfort herself after y/n got into the accident. and now, hanni had been imagining their meeting.

overcome with grief and regret, hanni sat there, staring at the spot where y/n had been, crying her heart out. she thought of all the things she had wanted to say to y/n, all the apologies and explanations that she had been too afraid to voice.

but now, it was too late. y/n was gone, it's too late. hanni was left alone with her thoughts and memories.

tears streamed down hanni's face as she sat there, lost in her grief. she wished that she could turn back time, that she could tell y/n how much she loved her, how sorry she was for everything.

hanni's tears flowed like a river, carving deep grooves of pain and regret down her cheeks. each drop was a reminder of the home she had lost, a place of love and comfort that she could never return to.

her heart ached with the weight of her sorrow, and she felt as though she was forever trapped in a foreign land, unable to find her way back to the safety and warmth of her true home.

she never got to apologise to y/n for arguing with her on her birthday.

she regretted not cherishing every moment she had with y/n.

she regretted not telling y/n how much she meant to her, how much she loved her.

she regretted taking y/n for granted, thinking that she would always be there.

but it was all too late now to regret.

y/n was hanni's home.

without y/n, hanni has no home.

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