I am the Alpha - Part 38

Start from the beginning

“What exactly did you do in your old pack?” I ask my voice even colder than before.

He takes a deep breath and a gulp of air before answering me but this time he is shivering slightly and tiny beads of sweat to small for anyone but me to see form on his forehead. “I was just another one of the pack.” His voice trembles this time.

Good he’s scared now time for frustration and anger. “What were you not good enough to be Beta? My pack is a little high of standard. What makes you better than the others who want to be in the pack?” I ask my voice less cold and with a teasing edge to it. Wow I sound like such a bitch.  I read his thoughts so I can see his reactions as I ‘test the water’. One phrase flashes across his thoughts ‘full of yourself much?’ “I have every right to be, or have you not heard of our reputation Luke?”  I ask in answer to his unspoken thoughts.

“How did you?” He asks stunned to my reaction.

“How did I what?” I ask playing innocent.

“I think i would fit into your pack because I have the experience and quite frankly don’t the eldest in the tribe get in first?” He asks trying to control the anger that is starting to build up in him.

“How old are you?” I ask demandingly.

“Eighteen.” He states a smirks slipping onto his face.

“Oh. I thought you were younger, you don’t look eighteen.” The smirk slips off his face.

“Well I am.”
“And so you just barge in here and demand a spot because you’re eighteen?”

“That is not what I did!” He half yells at me. A few more sentences then I’m done.

“Of course not,” I sigh sarcastically my voice harsh. He lets out a frustrated growl. I was wrong I’m done now. I don’t say anything but i walk forward till I’m right in front of him pulling back on my powers so he doesn’t fall over. I reach out my hand and yank up the right sleeve of his shirt revealing his right shoulder which has an Alpha tattoo imprinted on it faintly. I look up at him with a smirk on my face. “Don’t try to hide things from me.” I tell him. He looks back at me his eyes filled with shock. “I’ll deal with you later.” I tell him in a snarl before walking back into the middle of the room.

As I survey the room my I see a few shocked faces but most are looking in awe and respect. They know I’m not normally like that and must have my reasons and they respect that. My eyes linger on my pack, who all smile as their eyes meet mine but Jack has a knowing smirk still plastered to his face as does Sam. I wink at them and let out an extremely playful growl my lips forming a small smile which only they can see.

I turn my head back to look at everyone and clear my throat before continuing on with my original thoughts. “As I was saying a lot of things have happened lately which brings me to a happier note.” I tell them still in my Alpha voice and not nearly as informal as I usually am. “We have two new members in the pack.” I inform them getting a bewildered look from the guys an excited looks from the non pack guys as well as a shocked look from Luke. Sucker. “The council has decided for extra precaution that these members will be added to make out pack of seven a pack of nine.” I turn to face the non pack guys watching their excited faces with amusement. “Seth and Calum you are going to be joining the pack. Care to join me?” I ask a challenge in my words.

Seth and Calum exchange an excited look before both jumping up to join me in the middle of the circle. They each bow their heads slightly in respect before meeting my eyes. “Are you ready?” I ask in my Alpha voice.

“Born ready” Seth states a grin on his face.

“Damn straight” Calum grins as well high fiving Seth. I smile warmly at them telling them with my eyes I’m pretending to be a bitch still for Luke’s sake. They both nod getting what I’m doing.

“You will both accompany the pack into the forest tomorrow for the Pack ceremony.” I tell them my voice serious and business like.

“Yes Erin.” They reply together before walking back to the guys who congratulate them.

“There will be a bomb fire when we return to celebrate,” I declare getting excited murmurs and smiles from the tribe. I turn to my dad who is watching me with an amused expression on his face and he nods.

“Okay. That is all, the meeting is over.” I call out and everyone shuffles around either leaving or grouping up with friends. I walk out of the room quickly and through the house until I am at the back door. I flick the lock and then push the glass sliding door open the sunlight streaming down onto me. I walk outside into the lush green grassy area behind the house and settle myself by a tree. The guys will find me here, hopefully without Luke; he still thinks I’m a bitch. This is going to be fun. 

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