Chapter 105:- Journey's End

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With every mana and energy they have, Luyao and Yanyi scratch the heck out of that stupid gem. Even if they won't leave any remarkable dent, someone will at one point.



A bullet manage to pierce through the monster amongst all those chaos. However, it didn't leave an instantaneous damage to the gem. Just when it was about to go on another rampage phase, a loud voice yelled from outside of the warehouse. "Sage! Bloom!"

'Clanck! Krrack!'

The small bullet inside of the monster grew into a marvellous and gigantic tree, piercing and moving towards the front of the torso. Human would never want to see themselves in this situation. Its so mortifying and gruesome just thinking about your flesh and blood being torn to pieces by sharp branches.

Kazuto brings himself inside the building from the made up hole on the roof and stand by the others' side. "Is it going to work?" He whisper to the two, still worried that their effort is spent in vain. The monster still has some remnant of warriors in it and would have the same feelings as human. And so it screech in pain.

The man by the side doesn't seem to be worried or scared which Yanyi caught within her peripheral view. Instead, me smirks with eyes wide open, like a psychopath. She whisper quietly, "We've fuck ourselves..." The two hears her calling and see what she saw by the man.

"Oh, FUCK!!"


The scream catch them off guard and base on their instinct, jumps from their current position away. Kazuto position himself in a higher altitude, sniper ready to aim from the smokes that the monster made. Five seconds of his eyes on the scope, he was jump scared by a combination of werewolves with porcupine.

He knew he has no time to dodge and believe that it will be his ends. Not until the creature was flung to the back by a whip of some sort. Yanyi had used her kunai and wrapped them by its waist, using both her hands to swung the monster away.

"Kazuto! Silence the tongue!" She and Luyao again launches at their target. Kazuto tries to search for an even more higher altitude, making sure that he can see everything. From underneath the second floor balcony all the way into the battle ground.

"Killing you will be deducted by His Majesty. Let's destroy that machine of yours."




Irene is outside with the Dev on the outskirt of the warehouse, Yanyi and the others had warned her not to join in nor take a peek at their battle. She had specifically handed the duty of protecting Devlior to Irene. But the girl can't be less than worrying. She even starts to speak like she was rapping a verse.

"What happens if they aren't able to manifest their Signia?! They will be in big trouble, right? We should help them! But if we go there, what happens if we ended up being a burden to them?!"


"Oh, no no no! No! That can't happen! Then if we are to go there, what should we do? Should we make a distraction? But that will put us in danger which then will lead them to be in danger and if they fail the empire will be chaotic!"


"If that's the case, wouldn't that mean that mean... WHAT HAPPENS IF YANYI AND THE OTHERS ARE DEAD?!!"

"IRENE!!!" Devlior stops her in her track, refusing to listen to anymore of her nonsenses. He can bare to see the empire in struggle, at the very least he can free them. But he can't bear to listen to the words of Yanyi being dead. Whatever it is, he refuse to see her dead.

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