Chapter 73:- Unforseen Doom

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It was a rather cold day today. The street of Kinsel city is slowly and surely packing by the hour. The memorable day of the 'Autumn Alight' Festival is drawing near.

During this specific festival, not only will it be a full house on the street market but also in restaurants. During this festival, it is said to commemorate the birth and wisdom of the Gem of Fire.

God Amberiol, God of Strength and Vitality.

The house of entertainment is also filled to the brim as performances from every corner of Yucoria are coming to celebrate. From amazing acting to great magicians. Everyone is beyond excited to feel the excitement scattered throughout the Autumn Alight Festival.

This didn't pass through the Xue siblings' knowledge likewise. Since this festival is a school holiday, they take it as their chance to meet their sister along the way of enjoying the feeling of the Autumn Alight Festival in Kinsel. See if it's different from the one in Ashrin.

They even make it an opportunity to arrive two days earlier than scheduled. They didn't inform their sister so as to not make her worry about them not following the order.

So to make it worth their time, they went to various entertainment houses scattered throughout the infamous Kinsel city for joy in performances. Since they have a little kid with them, they ought to find something entertaining for him.

Like a puppet show. Or... a cosplay showcase of his cartoons... or an even better option. A magic show!!! It is so fascinating how magicians can hide their tricks from a simple distraction or illusion.

I'm curious myself and even want to learn more about the physics behind every famous magic trick.

Anywho, they watched everything on their list and the day has finished its shift. Leaving the rest of the day to the moon for work.

Applause echoed through the giant hall as people excitedly awaited the arrival of a great magician from behind the red curtains. It is said that this magician is particularly good at the dangerous acts and can make something so terrifying runs chill down the audience's spine.

The curtains slide to the side as a smokescreen covers the entire floor. A white big gash of smoke covers the people's view as they saw a shadow emerge from thin air. The Illusionist Yoru Jeayoon is standing proud before the crowd.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you my great audience for attending this fantastic night to see my performances. I am ever so grateful to have each and every one of you here."


"Alrighty then, let's start with a simple trick." He snapped his fingers and suddenly a loud noise rushed through the whole stage. Out of nowhere the magician who they saw milliseconds ago on the stage disappeared.

Jingyao, who is watching the show alongside Lixian and Qixiao can't help but be astonished. Qixiao can be described to have the same reaction as Jingyao just a little less exaggerated.

"Hey, there little guy." They heard the magician's vocal chord from the back of the crowd. Standing literally behind Jingyao without a moment of notice. People can't help but clap when they see something interesting.

Magician Yoru then patted Jingyao's head and pull out a small bunny from the inside of his cape. His big flourishing, thin, and empty cape!!! And they even have a close-up view of this show!

Jingyao looked toward Lixian and see his head nod in affirmation. He then take the small bunny into his hand and held it carefully and gently with love. Yoru then proceed to went back on stage.

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