Chapter 102:- One At Last

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Meanwhile at the State Border.

It has been two days since Kazuto's departure from Kinsel city and now he is finally here in the state border station. According to what Yanyi has inform them, Devlior should be arriving anytime between today and tomorrow. Therefore, he makes sure to dorn his most pleasing wardrobe.

He went to the radar station and see a few people looking over the system. "Is there any single from the Royals transportation?" He ask as he personally take a look at the system.

"Not at the moment, sire. We'll let you know once it has reach us."

"Very well then." He was about to went out when one of the employees yelled out his name. "Sire! There seems to be an unknown vehicle approaching and hiding in between the path His Highness will be taking!"

"Location wise?"

"Inside the forest around with a seeminyly dense bushes around. They just stood there."

"Keep monitoring. Don't let your eyes waver." He went out and reach the stabel of horses. Without even giving a reason, he saw a horse that is currently being taken for a walk and hop on it. "I'll be borrowinh it!" The trainer were left speechless.




"We'll be at our destination in 45 minutes, Your Highness." Devlior nodded his head and proceed to read the documents that he had brought back from the palace to ease out his time.

Meanwhile not far away from the road...

A sniper who is dresses in a camo suit is laying down on the grass, evening out his posture and barrel. He is ready to take aim to his target. Little did he know, he will be played with his own little game.

Kazuto demound from his horse a bit further from his initial location at the moment. Taking out his Signia, he put on a silencer and conseal his loaction withe the said weapon on top of a tree. Taking aim at the assassin, he spoke in a dangerously low voice.

"Those who dares harm our leader, will feel the wrath of their 'noble' knights..."




Within second, there is only one living human in the forest. They watch as the carriage moves forward. The smirk plastered on his face grows wider as he leaves the dead body behind. Approaching his horse that has been waiting to be return.



As the car approach the state border, Devlior sees a lot of people in formal military attire lining up outside. In sync, they give out their salute to the approaching vehicle. Declior came out, fixing his posture and ask, "Where is your leader?" as he sees no one to welcome him as it had been said by Yanyi.

"Over here, Dev!" Kazuto's voice rings out behind him, mounting a horse approaching the Crown Prince. "What are you doing outside of your post?"

"Eh, hunting some invasive wild animal."

"... Ouhh..." He knew what it meant and decided not to dwell on it much. They both went inside the state border together, chating away about the recent activities that happen on each state.

"Huh, to think that kid can be accepted so quickly and even has a party of his own. I'm jealous."

"Please, Kazuto. When you have your coming of age celebration, you trash the whole garden. He's more amture than you when you were younger, he deserve it."

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