Chapter 79:- Fake Forgery

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Today they are expecting a huge package from the manager of the magician. She said that inside those packages are tools and equipment used to make the show seems more... natural. Today is also the day when the magician will be released as he has an alibi and they have no proof of his wrongdoings.

Regardless, that doesn't mean that they can't deploy a few men to watch them over these few days. Instead of wasting more police officers, Yanyi decided to take it into her own hand and deployed a few of the family's bodyguards on him.

Even if he's not involved in the kidnapping itself, he's still one of the biggest suspects they have. Besides, it's her own brothers. She can't just sit idly while doing nothing. And so does the guards that have been copping inside the holiday manor all this time-finally some actions for them.

After the package has successfully been transferred to the courtyard the delivery guy leaves the station in a rush. They must have felt that intruding into a police conversation seems rude and scary. Yanyi however didn't think this was the case.

She slowly tapped on the cardboard box of boredom. In reality, it was a morse code that has been adjusted to the Xue family's employee so that it can't be transferred to anyone else. "Four of you follow those delivery guys." She tapped accordingly and continue to act normally after doing so.

Like it is the call of nature's duty, four men walk out of the gate with stone faces. Slowly Qixian begins to whisper a few curious words to his sister. "Did Jie feel something was off with those guys as well?" She nodded and gives him a pat on the shoulder.

Unlike Lixian who is more versed in academics, Qixiao focuses more on fighting and senses enhancement. Because of Yanyi's title, he can't possibly fight for the heir position. So he opts for the second-best option. Becoming someone his sister can rely upon when it comes to strength and power.

Even at the age of 18, he's able to teach a few newly recruited soldiers of their families the basic techniques they'd used. Just like his sister, he has a keen sense of smell and sharp intuition. Yanyi is both verses in academics and combat. Unfortunately, one of those skills has to be thrown to his twin brother. But~ he wasn't mad.

Just like the box in the auditorium, it was the same colour and the same texture of wood. However, not everything can be seen with the naked eye. Lixian and Qixiao both steps up and take a closer look at the evidence box.

Yanyi had never seen it up close so she was relying on both of them to make the final assessment. If one were to suddenly walk towards familiar things, they must've seen something off about the items. And she was not wrong.

Li-"The designs of the box seem to have changed. There used to be six plumerias on the top and bottom corner of the box, three sets of leaves coming out on each flower and two vines swirling from the top to bottom. But now, there's eight plumerias, two leaves on each flower and three vines."

Qi-"The hidden holes' placement and diameter are also wrong."

Qixiao searched for the four words that were used that night and insert them like what Yoru did in his tricks. Previously the fake metal would come out of the other side of the box. This time, however, it didn't. "The holes aren't aligning with each other."

"Jie, it was swapped!" Yanyi holds onto her ear and commands in a demanding tone. "Bring those workers back. Use any means to capture them. Alive!"



Two men were thrown to the ground with their hands tied to the back. Looking up they see that they have nowhere to escape as every corner has been either blocked or heavily guard. They felt an intense pressure on their back and turn their neck to see where it is coming from.

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