Chapter 55:- Reassuring Answer

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~The Apartment: Living Room~

Waking up after a long night of shedding tears, she moves to the living room to make herself a cup of sober tea. You know, to get her back on track. What she can't seem to believe in the presence of the crimson eyes owner in the kitchen.

She figure that one of them would be here, but she hadn't had a clue that he can cook. The sizzling oil collided with her eardrums as the smell travelled to her nostril. 'And his cooking smells delicious too.' She compliments herself.

Walking to the tea cabinet, Luyao only gave her a glance before continuing to focus on his cooking. "Did Irene invite you to stay over?"

"Yeah. She and Kazu are going out to do some errands. Thinking that you won't be in great condition to cook, she ask if I could hold the place for a while."

"I didn't know you can cook." Placed the tea bag inside her cup and she pours in hot water to diffuse it. Luyao handed the sugar jar as it was closer to him and not wanting the very obviously tired Yanyi to hold something that can break easily upon harsh collision.

"I didn't tell anyone about it. But sometimes I cook for myself if I'm bored and the meal is still not in preparation."

"Or when you're supposed to go to the station so freaking early in the morning?"

"That as well."

She let out a giggle as she starts to stir in the sugar that has been put into the cup. Leaning against the counter because she was too lazy to move to the dining table even when it was only a few steps away.

Looking over, she realizes that the breakfast that he's cooking is not a normal one. "Is it pancakes and bacon?"

"Your eyes sure act quickly for food."

"Well, I know how to cook too, Chef. But seriously, I have never had pancakes and bacon together for breakfast before. Is it good?"

"You'll know when you try it." Emptying her cup, she goes back to her room to freshen up before heading back to be sighted with a table prepared for a feast. To think that this guy can actually cook and prepare the table setting is beyond her mind to process.

Luyao had just finished preparing the morning tea when he sees the owner standing frozen at the door frame. Her shocked face and lips opening and closing like a fish amused his little heart, making it flutter in happiness.

"The food will get cold if you don't eat it quickly." The blue locks snap out of her trench as she slowly walks toward the table. She was stunned by the preparation in front of her. It's not like she hasn't eaten this kind of food before. She has, but not from someone like Luyao whose confidence can be compared to that of the King of The Animal Kingdom.

"Dig in. I'll go and feed Eker his portion." She can only nod slowly while Luyao went out towards her bedroom to wake up the sleeping prince.

She almost felt guilty when she picks up the perfect food arrangement made on her plate. Regardless, she takes a bite, and boy oh boy. She was sent flying to heaven. The taste danced in her mouth longer than any of the cooking the cooks in her household prepared.

Only one person had made this lingering taste swirl on her tongue long enough. Her mother's cooking. Those long white locks appear briefly in her mind, accompanied by the sound of her giggling and feeding her.

"How does it taste, dear?"

"Delicious..." She speaks in a small voice, her eyes on the verge of tearing up again. How can a single bite bring so much memory to her? Even she doesn't know the answer. Nevertheless, she enjoys a meal like that of her mother. Sniffling with every few bites she took.

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