Chapter 82:- 3/3 Part

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"Okay, I think that's enough tears and joy from you, Irene." Kazu wipes away the tears on her cheeks. Next is Yanyi's turn. She had also prepared two gifts for the Marchioness and one extra special gift for the whole family.

The first one is a set of jewellery of amethyst gem. She made sure that the design is compatible with Vaiden's style of clothing. Simple yet elegant. For the second gift, she prepared a bunch of toys, clothes, and baby essentials for the couple to raise their youngster.

For the last gift, she gives out a smirk before taking Irene's hands and dragging them along the way to Kazu's face. "As the best friend of this dunce, I hereby announce both of them as girlfriend and boyfriend." Two faces turn to tomatoes as the crowd cheers in excitement.

Irene tries to escape but her friend didn't let her, standing directly behind her and peeking into their stare. 'I will get killed by my brother if they knew about this!'

'The first one they'd kill is me. But, I'm pretty sure that your father won't mind Kazu after getting to know him.'

'Yanyi!' And with that fierce queue on Irene's face, she ran all the way behind Luyao's body. Using him as a meat shield. Vaiden chuckles in amusement seeing the two young girls are still playing around like when they are little.

"Yanyi. I accept all of your gifts."

"Aunt Vaiden!"

"And that is a success!" She fist pump the air and was sent down with a flat print on her forehead. Irene had grabbed an empty box of hers to throw at her target. Her face is as red as the shining sun from up close.

Hey, by the way, I hear it, there's no rejection so it still counts as a win in her book.

The rest of the ceremonies are filled with laughter, gifts, music, delicacies and more. It dragged on until the sun seeks its dusk. Everyone starts to leave the house and so are the two young girls. "Are you sure you don't want to spend a night here?"

"Thanks for the invite Aunty Vaiden. But I still have to look through the reports of Jingyao's and Eker's disappearances. I left them at home and if possible I want to punch in the attendance card early tomorrow."

"*sigh* I pray to the four gems so that those kids are fine and well somewhere. And I pray for them to be found quickly as they allowed it to."

"We'll see you when we have more reports about it. See ya at the station Luyao."

"Kazu, tomorrow orphanage, 7:00 a.m. sharp. Their medical checkup is yet to be finished for this month."

"Got ya."

"See ya tomorrow. Safe trip."


~The next morning: Police Station: Noon

Yanyi is still looking over the evidence record from the forensic departments from two days ago. She's been indulging herself more and more in this case but not to the point of becoming an obsession. If someone tells her to rest she will.

The list is not of much to look into, just a few words describing how the surrounding area is. A few photos from the security systems are also attached to the folder. It seems to be from the back ally area. Probably the back of the club.

It wasn't much of help when you see it in a normal light because it was so dark. Put it under a lamp, you can see a figure walking into the backdoor. He has the same clothing style as the victim and is most likely himself.

"His action. Does it indicate something? From what you can see?" Luyao peeks from the back of the couch as he squats down to look more into the picture. Because Yanyi is using a reading lamp as her source they are practically an inch away from each other.

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