Chapter 8:- Notice Back Home

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Throughout the whole journey back home, they have a little conversation. Mainly consists of the government in Kinsel and the powerhouse. Not having any chance yet to visit the Capital Ashrin, Luyao also asks questions regarding a few things that he found interesting there that he had heard of from some rumours and gossip.

As they reach the giant brick building they went upstairs towards the main entrance to the living room. When they open the door, something that none of them has ever seen before is right before their eyes. Their pupils were wide with disbelieve and they almost appear shocked.

There sat two people on the cushioned couch, one has already been deadbeat drunk while the other is trying to engage the drunk dude to some more alcohol. "Yo! Come on *hic*, have some more. *hic* Join me, Irene!" Kazu shakes Irene's passed out body who looks like she will throw out anytime soon. "I ma... You can...." None of them can make up for what those two are talking about.

Hands-on their forehead, they get in and shake those two out of their world and back to reality. Kazu looked at Luyao. At first, he looked stupified but then there was a cheeky smile. "Lulu!... You're back *hic*. How was your date *hic* just now?" Yanyi who is helping Irene getting on her feet almost fell. 'What the heck is he thinking! We aren't dating!'

Luyao's face has no sense of reaction, instead, he even agrees with Kazu's statement. "It went well." Kazu showed his teeth with delight. "Good, *hic* now I know who is my 'Big Sis', right? *hic*" Luyao nodded his head. Yanyi's jaw just dropped to the floor metaphorically. Their eyes meet and Yanyi just mouthed the word 'What?!'. Luyao responded with a small whisper. "He won't remember anything when he wakes up. It'll be fine." She gave a disapproved face, totally not into his plan.

Irene keeps on rumbling and her body is getting heavier and heavier the longer Yanyi support it. "There's an extra bedroom with two bed on the northwest. You can put him there for tonight. I doubt that you'll be able to take him home like that." Luyao proceed to go back out and strode towards the northwest of the building where indeed an extra room was there.

Yanyi proceeds to go to the opposite side and place Irene in her bed. "*sigh* I should've known that you have a low tolerance to alcohol. But I never thought that Kazu has to!" She takes a few breaths first before going back to her room and change to get ready for the twilight.


A tiny blue hummingbird plops onto the flower pot place at the window of a study table. The person who is still in their nightgown is steadily writing with full concentration. People at this time would think that the phone would be the most convenient thing, isn't it? Well in this case it is not for it will expose her whereabouts throughout the whole Volparine Empire.

A knocking was heard at the back but she didn't move her posture at all. "Focus on writing huh?" A tender and sweet voice came into her ears. Her silver eyes are gentle as she continues writing. Irene who is also in her last night clothes walked towards Yanyi who had already finished her letter.

"Even the little thing that happened in our new life you would report it to him, wouldn't you?" She leans on the table as a bird with blue and white feather came to view as Yanyi whistle. "He is important to us, isn't he. It would be unruly of us not to let him know about our situation." The letter at its throat and meals have been eaten, the bird who seemingly following Yanyi's orders fly away.

"You always tell him everything, don't you." Irene mocks her as she went out, striding to her room. "*sigh* Unlike us, he is special to this empire. We're only here to inform him." She spoke to herself as she looked out into the bright twilight sky.


Kazu entered the room sober, he looked like he has a good night rest. "Good morning. *yawn*" He greeted the two ladies who are busy making breakfasts as he sat down on the couch. "You seems to have a good night, Kazu." Irene expressed as a cup of Chamomile tea was put in front of him. "Yeah, thanks for letting me sleep over yesterday. *stretch* Your bed feels nice. Makes me want to live here." He takes a sip from the porcelain cup.

"My apologies, but there seem to be no room for anyone lazy to do any work," Yanyi emphasised as she places down the newly cooked dishes on the dinner table. "Besides, do you think that your parents would allow you to stay away from the manor? In your imagination dude." Luyao's voice was heard at the door frame. He looked like he didn't get any good sleep at all. He strode towards the dinner table, gnawing immediately on his meal.

"Remind me next time to not let Irene be with Kazu alone." Yanyi who also looks like she is out of breath fell on the chair with her chin rest on the table, restlessly. Luyao just makes an 'Uh-Huh' as he resumes to swallow down the food inside of his mouth. The two individuals that are mentioned just looked at them dumbfounded. "Uhh. Might we be so bold as to ask you both? What exactly did we do last night?" They face shows a tint of pink.

"Something that both of us didn't want to get involved in anymore!" They spoke in sync and the look of the two people who are still in the living room area are getting redder and redder by the seconds. "There is nothing on today's agenda, right?" Eyes closed and voice hoarse, Yanyi asks as she also started to chew down her breakfasts.

"Not as far as I know. I need to go and check with the station." Putting his dishes in the sink he walked out of the house. "We're not your maids you know! Clean the dishes yourself you lazy bum!" Yanyi called out, her eyebrows twitched showing irritating emotions. "Just for today! I'll clean it up the next time!" Shouting from the ground, Luyao headed towards his car and start the engine.

"Tch, lazy Inspector." She proceeds to finish her portion and went to her room and change into her normal daily outfits. Going out to grab some stuff from the post office, she walks past the living room door to see that those two are still standing like statues. "Stop your daydreaming and eat your meal. It's gonna be bad if you let it be there."

They jerk up at the mention of 'daydreaming' and recklessly get up from the couch and do their morning routine. Their faces are still bright like a tomato. From time to time they would bump into each other and their face got even redder. But little did they know, none of them have done anything out of boundary.


Arriving at the post office at around 11.45 am, Yanyi wait for her turn to be called. She takes out the little pocket notebook that she would have on her and write everything down, even the tiny little details. "No. 052, please come to counter 2. I repeat, No. 052 please come to counter 2." The intercom sound pushes Yanyi back to reality and go towards the counter.

"Hello!" The employer that operated the counter greets her with delight. "Hi, I'm here to pick up a package." She showed a smile which is the normal way to treat your customers of course. "Alright. I will need your name and adrees, please." Instead of saying it, Yanyi pulled out a card. The operator looked at the card and showed a suprised and yet delightful smile.

"I will bring in the package shortly miss." she goes to the back and came back with a small red box tied with a gold ribbon. Putting the box into Yanyi's hand she whispered, "His highness wished you a good day." Letting go of the box the operator make a gesture with her fingers. All Yanyi did was just smirk. she walk out of the post office and back towards the direction of Miltnan street.

Within that package is some information about the things that have been going on within the Capital Ashrin and the well being of her parents. She may be a rebel young lady, but she still cares for her family. Or at the very least people who worked there and her siblings will never be able to make her forget her origin.


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