Chapter 19:- Who Really Fell to Who

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As the time has struck 1 hour before midnight, all the guests have left the hall, getting ready to get their good night sleep within their humble abode. Now all that's left within the marquess's household were the family and two ladies. They happen to be invited to have a rest there by the marchioness herself. Knocking on the door of the library, the insider invites them in. There sat a man in his late 40s, legs cross and a book in hand. "Please, don't just stand there. Have a seat." Toharu shows them the chair, and they did as they've been told.

"I recall back to our agreement. This ball was supposed to hold the purpose of catching the killer, correct?" Heads going up and down, agreeing. This meeting was held to solicit the case's progress. It has been on hold for nearly a month. "How's the progress, and what are the results of tonight?" No one dares to speak as in the eyes of Toharu Ryuichi, they're merely kids who haven't found the meaning of their life yet. Yanyi, who knew for a fact that her title has reached the ears of Marquess of the south response. "It has been... quite the ride. But with all the push and shove that we have encountered, we can conclude who it was."

His ears peek out of interest, leaning in to hear the explanatory provided by the young marq-! I mean the detective. "With the help of my former employers that now lived here, we're able to deduce the suspects to three individuals. Each of them involved in a different business but have one thing in common. They all use a unique Azure Signia, which can be described as... a whip sword-ish." From confident to a bit uncertain, her tone change with the information she gave. Toharu's eyes now darted to where Luyao is sitting. "Luyao, do you have any inkling of the progress, or are you just going to rely on Yanyi to give out everything?"

He straightens himself, sitting properly on his seat. Clearing his throat, he continues. "Piles of reports regarding the missing maiden appears to be our final straw to play to get the clue we need to cut down the suspects." On cue, Irene takes out her notebook and place it down on the coffee table for the Toharu to see. Fortunately, the classification of information is in order. Hence, it is easier for him to see. "Silver locket. Is that your final clue?" They all nodded in sync.

"This won't be enough proof for them to subjected to being the murderer." Glancing at each other, they decided to let the bean be spilt, even if it needs to get spoiled. "Actually, we've already known who the killer is, father." His tone sounded smug yet respectful. Known to be the marquess's son, however, at this moment of the night, he sees him as a Marquess, not as a father. "During the ball, after Luyao and Yanyi finished their dance, three individuals came up to us. Surprisingly, it was the suspects." His eyes banter between Yanyi and Luyao, who's not willing to look in any direction of the marquess's eyes.

Seconds after fleeing his eyes, Yanyi get the attention of everyone. "It was Lord Mathern." Pegged down to their chair, her eyes turn serious. 'So this is the might of the infamous Young Marquess Xue Licia Yanyi. I have to admit, you've trained your kids well, Kenji.' He applause him, secretly compliment his tendencies of training his kids. "Before he went on his way, he whispers something to me." Concern and curious gaze flooded her views.

She turns to look at Toharu. "Marquess Ryuichi, aside from your family and Luyao, you've never told anyone about my title, right?" He smirks, seemingly believes that Yanyi won't be putting her trust in him so suddenly. Their family has been in dispute for the longest he could remember. "I might dispute with your father whenever we meet. But I don't have any ill intentions towards the rest of the Xues'" Her eyes lighten as she avoids the marquess's gaze.

"My whereabouts has been disclosed. However, my identity has not been to the publics' ears. Despite these circumstances and those that I willingly told, Lord Mathern knew. He whispers, "Have a good night Marquess Xue Licia Yanyi."Specifically calling out my name." Suprised looks on everyone's face. Their eyes hide a dark glare inside. Now that this case has come to a point where it would hurt a noble physically, it's no small matter.

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