Chapter 61:- Betting for Liberty

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The birds are chirping outside the orphanage as kids of all ages run around, playing with each other. It is such a lovely day for some fresh air. Too bad, those two are stuck with paperwork. 

Currently, they are reviewing all the applicants' and volunteers' submissions. Being a good caretaker doesn't mean everything. They also need to get along with everyone. So, in the vast green field, they ran around playing around and chatting with the kids.

"*Sigh* Why are we stuck with this task. I want to go out and play too." Irene sulked, laying down her cheek between her arms. Her eyes gaze at the outside view. The area is located in a suburban area not too far away from the city. 

Besides, it's a win for them to buy this mansion from the previous owner because the manor is not what they focus on. But rather the area around them. It's not good for children to be stuck inside all the time. So~ they want a place where they can be safe and be free.

"If you want to play with them, then finish reviewing them quickly. Don't just sulk there like a lazy bean."


"Hey Kazu, what do you think to happen on their side?"

"Yanyi and Luyao? Probably spoiling Eker and train every day. If running around the field the kids type of play, then they can take training as a play."

"Those people would come and confront them by now..."


Swish! Plak!

A fast metal object flew through the air, brushing past General Cinth pinna. Fortunately for him, he's only a few millimetres away from the weapon. And that said weapon is something new to the guests. A string kunai attached to Yanyi's finger. 

"Oops! I miss the target by a few millimetres. Too bad, I guess it's your lucky day General." She shows a venomous sneer. With her head tilting slightly to the side, her creepiest side has risen to the surface.

General Cinth apple adam move to swallow down his saliva before moving to where the kunai meet's its prey. The unfortunate brick wall between two glass doors. He forces it out and walks to Yanyi in a calm and collective manner.

"Please be careful when you're playing with your signia, young marquess. Anyone could get hurt by this."

"But if you're really the family special forces, you should know what's coming, right?"


"Oh yeah! You can detect any approaching danger. The only exception is when it comes from me! *laughs maniacally* Ha~ Seriously though, improve your skill, dunce." They all only stay silent. Yes, they can forcefully bring Yanyi back, but no way in hell will they ever go against this devil born image of her.

She's sitting on the balcony railing adjacent to the main gate, looking down on them. It gives off this feeling of superiority and dominance. And add some crazy shit attitude from her, she becomes almost impossibly unapproachable.

"Are the chump here yet?" A voice of a male registers inside their brain. It's coming from behind their young marquess. They thought of protecting her to give her more reason to go with them to Ashrin.

All actions are put to a halt when the cold lifeless silver eyes pass through them. "Acting like a dog in my courtyard? How brave of you..." A hand rests itself on her shoulder, hugging it close to their side.

Crimson eyes met pupils that once filled with anguish. There's still some lingering inside, but for now, hiding it is the best option. "Has Eker finished his homework?" Yanyi casually asks the Inspector, eyeing him with the eye that they have never seen before.

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