Chapter 94:- Lead to the Top

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"Here's the autopsy report that Daniel had just finished." He place down the files infront of her and grab a book on the table tittled 'Characteristic of a wolf attack.'

The girl take the reports, open and read it for herself. She has guess that it was a work of some wild animals and she had read the book that Luyao is currently reading. But this report shows almost twice the results that she read in the book.

"... 30 cm long bite?... claw difference of 5 to 8 cm within the same row?... like that of a cliff..." Her eyes starts to have that doubtful look in them. Are these really the report or a made up fantasy case of some sort.

"Don't look at me like I'm guilty for it. I've confirmed it with Daniel and he said that he has done several test and rechecking it over a dozen times to makes sure that it is accurate. That is what he got in the end."

"I never have any dount about his abilities, but these doesn't seem like a real report at this point. Like some sort of made up story to gain popularity or something."

"That's what I thought at first. After rethinking about it, the body we saw is indeed in a horrible and gruelling state. It made some sense for it to be this brutal of a descriptions." As they are talking the door creaked open and a brunette stuck her head inside. The two's attention pegged on her and the man who walked in without a consent and sits in an empty seat, legs on the table.

It was immediately smack down by his girlfriend who send him a glaring stare. "Sits properly!" She mumble her scold to Kazu. The man who didn't want toget on the bad side of Irene's, his girlfriend put down his feet and take out a few of the poloroid pictures in his pockets.

"We check the crime scene ourselves and found a few more clues that I bet you guys didn't notice." Luyao takes the piles and distribute it between him and Yanyi. The photo shows a few remarks that was so obvious that even normal people would think. 'What kind of moster would do this?!'

There are pictures of cracks sement and brick walls as well as the massive scratch on each corner of the brick walls. After a quick explanation, apparently all of these are taken when Irene and Kazu is on their way to the site.

Irene has this inkling to take a walk on the way to the crime scene. So they did and they discovered these markings on their way and low and behold it leads them all the way to the crime scene.

"There's a lot of clues if you think of taking a stroll on the way there. For example, this massive wall. I'm more than sure myself that you have figure out what creature is behind this attack, right?"

"The report show case this part and there's no need to have another assumption. It's deffinately an inhuman wolf-like creatures work."

"But the sheer power of this being has far exceed that of normal creature. Can there be something remotely close to this level of strength."

Luyao hands are place on her shoulders gently. Trying to comfort her to not be so worried about not being able to crack this quickly. Her mind and heart sooth down slowly as she close her eyes and repetedly takes in and letting out breaths of relief.

He spoke softly as to not withered her comfort. "Let's go to the crime scene first and see what we can find. If they use the wall, they've must escaped through this method." They move their feet while also didn't forget to reserved the few books off from the library tp borrow.

After a drive to the street area, they decided to stop the car and take a walk down the alleyway. Irene ans Kazu poined out a few of the spots they found suspicious and it directly lead them to the crime scene which hasn't been clean.

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