Chapter 33:- Grand Royal Trial

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~Averlion Palace: Throne Room~

The sun is rising high. The sky is as blue as ever. Soon another villain shall fall from his reign. Chattering fills the room as they're waiting for the Emperor. At this point, the screen of light-com appears above the room. This communication uses by the higher-ups when something requires everyone's presence. It would apply to those who live far away from Ashrin as not to trouble them more.

On the screen, some known nobles travel across the screen. Some of them are Duke Relainor, Duke Yoo, Marquess Phenorr and Marquess Ryuichi. However, one light-com refuse to open their camera, bringing confusion into everyone's mind.

Marquess Xue lived in Ashrin. Therefore, there's no need for him to enter the light-com. "This is the first time I see an extra." Says Duke Phenorr as he leans back into his seat. Seemingly interested in this new person. 

"Perhaps they're just playing with us. Honestly, this generation is beyond control." Duke Relianor says in a harsh cold tone. 

"Don't think just by your judgement, perhaps they were invited by His Majesty." Marquess Ryuichi tries to calm things down. When the higher-ups are talking, no one in the room dares to intervene. This conversation keeps on going for around 5 minutes.

Trumpets noise fills the giant room as people feel silences upon hearing it. "Welcoming His Majesty, Emperor Dylan Searl Volparine and His Highness, Prince Devlior Kamela Volparine!"

People bow down as their hands are on the left side of their chest. They all respected the Emperor within the deepest part of themselves. "Long live the Emperor, The Empire Shining Star! Long live His Highness, Bright Future of Volparine!" They all say at once, echoing throughout the hall.

As the Emperor takes his seat upon the golden throne, he commands them to rise. Even after welcoming the Emperor, the monitor didn't show their faces. It eventually led people to whisper to each other. Wonder who dares to behave like that in front of their great Emperor?

As Devlior see the look upon his father's face, he announces in a loud voice towards the light-com. "Those who have not yet open their light-com, His Majesty commands you to do so!" Waiting for a response, they did. And, a response did they get.

There sits a young girl whose attire could rival the crown prince himself. Yanyi merely smiles as she places her hands on top of her chest. "Long live the Emperor, The Empire Shining Star. Long live His Highness, Bright Future of Volparine. Forgive me for my tardiness, your Majesty. I have some matters that need my attention beforehand."

Everyone is in shock. The runaway young Marquess made her appearance in the grand royal trial. A gentle smile across her face, yet her eyes show dominance. 

Of course, not everyone is surprised by these outcomes. Xue Xenzi had known beforehand that his daughter was going to be a part of this session. Ryuichi Toharu also wasn't surprised as Yanyi had been living in his residence awaiting this moment. Devlior may seem surprises from the outside, but he knew that Yanyi's going to come. Therefore, he put on a facade that he had no idea about her presence.

Silence emits the now still room. People are speechless, waiting for what to comes. Out of the blue, a laugh came out of the Emperor's mouth. He finally reagin his foot and treats it as a mere joke. "*sigh* My, Yanyi dear, you took me by surprise with your presence. To think that you would show up to one of these meetings is beyond my thoughts."

She put on a sincere smile. "I believe that my news has travelled across the Empire by now. As a detective, I cannot let injustice have its way. Apart from that, I'm a blood of Xue. Hence, what I have started, I shall finish it." These words serve as a warning. They can at least peg the feet of the noble onto the ground for a while. Furthermore, as a future marquess, she ought to show her dominance. 

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