Chapter 22:- Training Full Of Mortifications

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What they've thought would be a stays until lunch ended up being a sleepover until tomorrow's lunch. And just like that, everyone was eating joyfully. Plates filled with dishes, glass filled with some juice, and people scrambling around the house. The night is full of joy. Eventually, it has to come to an end at some point. "Wow! The meal was splendid. Thanks for having us, Aunt Vaiden, Uncle Ryu." A chuckle escapes Vaiden's rosy nude lips. 

"Please, it's with our pleasure to have you both here." Scratching the back of her neck, Yanyi let out a nervous laughed. Unsure whether to accept it as a lady of the Xue family or as herself. "Oh, how about you girls stay over again. It'd be dangerous for two young maidens going back home engulfed in darkness, wouldn't it?" Debating, the answers have already reached Irene's mind. "That's so sweet of you, Aunty Vaiden. But we wouldn't want to burden you." Sincerity in her voice. 

"Oh, please. It wouldn't be one. Besides, the rooms that you both stayed in before has been cleaned. It wouldn't be a hassle to anyone, really." Looking at each other, they decided in their mind that rejecting an offer a second time is not very ladylike. Therefore, they nodded in agreement. Counting into accounts that they would probably be headed towards the bunker again in the morning to switch some books. "Splendid! Now, it's almost bedtime. How about you kids get ready for bed." And with their plates being washed, of course, by themselves, they went to bed.


As the night engulfs the land of the Volparine Empire, a lone figure sat in the library. His bright flaming features make him look no less than a noble. Reading a book by the window as the moonlight shone into the room. Knocking of different frequencies echoes the room. '*chuckle* It seems the state affairs need to wait.' Opening the door with a button, a frame with bright blue hair walks in, smirking in joy. "I didn't think that you'd be awake during this hour, marquess. You know, considering your age, of course." Making some jokes, she stepped inside.

"I remember that we last saw each other during his highness's 18th birthday. We may not talk much, but you do have a sense of humour like your father. Terrible at that." Shrugging her shoulder, she wanted to object. But, considering how she makes more people laugh by her actions, he's hitting the nail. "Please don't compare me to my father. Unlike him, I have made people laugh before. That's, of course, with my weird behaviour. I can never hold a straight face like him." Chuckles came out of Toharu's mouth.

"You're right. I remember reading an article about a girl from a noble family who would end in trouble in the Meyer's Academy." Rolling her eyes, she takes a book from the shelves and scans through the content. Toharu's expression turned serious. That of which means that no one should joke around with him. "Are you here to inquire something, Lady Licia Yanyi?" The name froze her movements. Hearing it for the first time sounded... off.

"My, my. It has been three months since I last heard that name before." Dropping the book back to its place, she shows herself in the moonlight. Her expression no longer holds deluding, rather dark in her pupils. Smirking, he stated, "You came here yourself. So, what's the matter, Lady Xue." Narrowing her eyes, not liking the name one bit. "I suggest that you refrain from calling me that name when I'm here on my own account. Nothing involving the Empire, let alone my father."

Shrugging his shoulders as a smile plastered on his face, nodding in agreement. "Since my whereabouts has been disclosed, has my father inquire anything out of you, marquess?" Stroking her forearm in an attempt to calm her raging heart. Her face, paler than before. Seeing Yanyi discomposure, he thought. 'If I remember correctly, your father raised you to be poised and confident. Yet, here I see an unease girl, afraid of the news relating to her father.

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