Chapter 30:- Safety Secure

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Traversing the mountain wasn't the hard part. The actual obstacle is the overflowing conversation from Max. He keeps on talking about how he used to go into the woods when he was younger and all that stuff. 'I don't think that it's a good idea to take Max here to come with us.' Yanyi wanders to herself.

Dusk is coming near, and they need to find the base camp in the span of two days. Added to that is the fact that they have made no big progress. 

Before she can scold herself, she smells something peculiar. When her step stops, everyone else follows suit. Holding her hands upwards, she looks at Luyao, like giving a signal. "Somethings not right. I smell blood."

"It could be animals blood."

"No. It's human. I'm positive that we are coming close to their base camp."

"In that case, prepare our weapon. We need to take their number down as much as we can." They prepare with their weapon. Luyao takes out his Azure gauntlets. Max take out a handful of guns since he doesn't pose a signia. Jerad wipes off his sword, ready for the strike. It's not convenient for her to carry a big weapon such as her scythe. Her Breeze Kunai wouldn't do any good to them as they are attacking in a dense forest. Therefore, she needs to op for another signia that she own, which is the double dagger.

"Launch the flare on my count. When they're focused on the bright colour, we attack." They all nodded in understanding.





The sky is tainted with a red streak. This is to inform the border army of the oncoming escape. "Everyone! Get to their post! Attack anything that comes in our way from the forest!" General Yu commands. The soldiers followed his ideal and were in their position in no time.

The culprits have no clue about what is going on. They only start their attack when a  young girl suddenly slices the throat of their leader. "Attack her!" One of them yelled. It was to no avail as those who dare to get near Yanyi is a blast to pieces by bullets. 

Max is still in position, sitting on the tree branch and aiming at their target. Those who manage to get through the bullets aren't lucky either. If they don't die by the bullets, then they will die by blades. 

"It's been a while since my last dagger training!"

"Less word, more fighting!"

When the target found themselves in deterioration, they had no choice but to leave the area. "Leave at once! Go to our plan B!" One of them shouts. Supposedly, the acting leader. His confidence dies down as they are no match for these skilled warriors. They try to drag their 'profits' with them, but it only leads to massive failure.

"Jerad! Take the kids out of their captive! Hurry!" Yanyi commands. Without second-guessing, he sprung into action. 

Luyao pretty much has the same job. That left Yanyi and Max to deal with the escapees. Max is hard to reach, so their eyes are directed to Yanyi. With her busy killing the runaways, it's hard for her to see the oncoming surprise attack from her blind spot. 

The acting leader grabs her from behind and strangling her. Bringing her above from the grounds, leaving her in a vulnerable state. 

"Lady Yanyi!" Max shouts. He's about to kill the acting leader when he places Yanyi in front of him. Making her his meat shield.

Of course, this doesn't escape the ears of Luyao and Jerad. Jerad continues with his task when he sees that Luyao head outside in a flash. Luyao elbows the acting leader and pins him to the ground. Gauntlets infuse with his mana he gave no chance for him to live. His hands had already started punching. 

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