Chapter 104:- Show Down

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For the past three days Yanyi has been involving herself in a lot of underworld tournaments. Feigning her eye bags, her lack of energy just to make a name for herself. Of course, this news only circulated around Kinsel and had been forced from being told outside.

Since, the Marquess himself has taken a leave from Kinsel, Kazuto holds the power for a temporary amount of time and he decided to make a fake underworld tournament. This way, Yanyi's name or rather her alias can conquer the rings in no time. A perfect plan for their last hurdle.

After battling in her fourth match if the night, Yanyi retire into her changing room and saw everyone huddling over the make up table. She takes a towel and wipes away the sweat, tip toeing over the giant and tall figures before her. "What are you guys looking at?" She asked after gulping down a bottle of water.

"This." Dev hands over the letter for Yanyi to read. Just by looking at the handwriting, she had known that their plan is on the move. She is the last to read this piece of paper and those around her can't help but shows a victorious grin. "Well then, let's us move to phase three."




Two days ago...

On the day of the children's funerals, Yanyi and the rest not only felt the guilt over not concluding this case sooner but they bare the responsibility of unintentionally leading the killer to these poor souls.

The deaf boy don't have much relatives but even the Head Priest had taken him as one of their own child. But the bomb hasn't set free. No, not until Yanyi sets her eyes on the weeping mother, sobbing on her knees begging the Four to make this only as a nightmare.

But when the truth is right before your eyes, expactation is nothing more than a peck of dust. 'Is this the expression that her mother made after learning of her disapearence?' She wonder to herself.

"Do you want to talk to them after?" Luyao breaks her mind after he see how she had been staring at the family with eyes of sorrow. Yanyi nodded slightly, still debating with herself to face her guilt.

"I'll accompany you."


"We all accompany you, Yanyi."

"This is not your fault alone. After all, we ban together to catch this monster. We could have done or seen something before... this..."

"If they have a vendetta against you, then they have it against us."

After the ceremony, Yanyi approaches the family who is about to continue their mourning back at home. "Young Marquesses, Inspector Zheng, Lady Irene. Is there anything we can help you with?" Without giving out a single vowel, Yanyi lower her head and bow down in front of them. The rest soon join.

"Forgive our incompetence in handling this case. It has brought you son's demise in the end. We are willing to give out any compensation as our punishment." The family was speechless to say the least. All of the renowned daughters and sons of the nobles are bowing their head right before them, asking for a punishment.

With a gritted teeth sound coming from the mother, Yanyi had prepared herself for the worse. What she didn't expect is what they'll ask of them.

"Your compensation, is to put a stop to this whole serial killer case." Their eyes look back at them, almost in disbelief. They hadn't thought of that as a compensation as it was their duty to do so in the first place.

"We've never blame you, Young Marquess. Sure, our son's departure is a big hit to all of us. But we are more than grateful to know that he managed to find true happiness beforehand."

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