Chapter 29:- Colluding Enemies

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"Please enjoy these delicacies. It was specially made by our chef that is a specialist in Anderil cuisine." Count Verlion politely invite them to have a taste. Instead of directly putting the dish into her mouth, one of the bodyguards took a small bite out of it. This gesture is not to ridicule the Count. Rather, it was for the safekeeping safety of their master.

Watching as there's no immediate side effect, Luyao takes a small cherry cake puff into his hands. "Here." Yanyi opens her mouth as Luyao's hand move to feed her. Before she can even take a bite, the bodyguard who had eaten one of the dishes make up a weird noise. His pale face was livid. 

"My lady, don't eat it!" Jerad takes the cake puff out of Luyao's hand immediately. When Count Verlion saw such a scene, he had no time to think and escort the sick person to the infirmary. With him being gone, the office becomes more... bearable. "Search every corner of this room. Any suspicious documents shall be taken as proof." Yanyi said loudly.

It is a perfect room for silent discussion and for someone to hide a document without being noticed. Everyone is searching through every corner of the room for any suspicious activities. Luyao calls out to Yanyi after being able to reach through a narrow space between the bookshelves.

"Order submission... Contracts of a deal... Permit through the Abranyth Kingdom? Why would they need that? We're not on good terms with the Abranyth Kingdom."

"A proof that they could sneak into our Empire without being noticed? The terrain between our Empire and Abranyth is hard to reverse. But considering that Abranyth is well known for its climber, it's not hard for them to go through our terrain."

"Take a picture of each page. We confirm it with the rest when we get back."

"My lady!" Jerad called out to Yanyi, who had ended her conversation with Luyao. He approaches her with a few documents that have been folded nicely. "I found this underneath the office desk. It's an order for something that might relate to the case three years ago." Taking ahold of the documents, she skims through the documents. Soon her expression turned red.

"Huh! These idiots really think that they can trick a descendent from the Xue family. In their fucking dream!"

"I shall take a copy of this and send it to Marquess Xue immediately."

"No. Not yet. If they think that I'm more incompetent than my father to let the past go by. Then forgive me. They have made the wrong assumption. We shall use this to go against them in court. After that, I'll let his majesty decide their next move."

"Yes, ma'am." Jerad goes back to his duty. After a few more minutes of scavenging, things are back the way they are. The documents were in their original place. After about five minutes of waiting, Count Verlion enter the office in sweats. "Forgive me for the inconvenience. It turns out that the treat the bodyguard ate has something to do with his allergies."

"Oh, it is okay. Actually, my fiancee' has something to do with the police station. Forgive us for the inconvenience. Thanks for having us." Waving his hand like it was no big deal, he escorts them back to the front gate. "I hope that we can put aside our differences and work together for a better future of Yucoria, my lady. Have a safe trip." He said after seeing the couples for the day.


Back inside the car, Yanyi was reviewing the images taken. Making sure that it is clear as crystal so that they can make a copy of it. "When is the court gonna be in session?" Luyao asks out of the blue. Still focus on the camera, asking without looking. "After we've confirmed our win, of course. I'm not losing my family's dignity to a bunch of stupid old men."

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