Chapter 5:- Intentional or Not?

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After the uneasy feeling wears off, they all are now gathered in one place which is, The Inspector's Office. They sat down and silence immediately filled the room. No one wanted to be the first one to talk, but someone broke the atmosphere. "Let's not just sit idly and do nothing. Irene, Kazu." They lift their head towards Luyao who is by now standing up.

"Report your survey. Everything from public and private associate." Both of them immediately feel the pressure and jolt up, looking like new soldiers who just got their first assignment. "We found out that the bodyguards used to go gambling, however all of their debt suddenly have been paid off in just one night." Irene report as she holds onto her notebook. "Is the date one week away from the day of the incident?" Yanyi left her spot and started walking back and forth across the room.

Irene nodded, "Precisely. I asked the local bank yesterday, and they said that someone transfers a huge amount of money into their bank account but he didn't know who it is." Walking back and forth along with the room with her thumbnail between her teeth. Her confused look turns calm, "Aside from the bodyguards, who else have a huge amount of payments in their account?"

"Arthur Peredo, he works under
Mr Santrick around 5 years ago. He used to be a military specialist." Kazu answered without even a chance for Irene to open her mouth. Hearing this, Irene nodded agreeing to what Kazu mentioned. "Any other background info of him?" Yanyi asks once again, "His family is from the military generations. They all used to work under the special service providing info to our troops by invading the enemies side. Even though his family made a name in the military department, they still want to live in humble life." Luyao blurted out all that he has in his mind.

Everyone keep on their stillness to wait on Yanyi's deduction. "Making bomb after ending service in the military is illegal, but it is possible to do so with the right social engagement that they got." Each person looked at Yanyi differently, Irene is looking at her in eagerness, Kazu has a small smirk on his face and Luyao is stunned as to how Yanyi knew about all these things. "Is there anything that states about what Mr Santrick has done in any news article?" Yanyi veered around looking at Irene. She proudly nodded, "There's one news article that involves Mr Santrick. However, it was dated 8 years ago."

Everyone is now sitting back on the leather couch, listening to Irene discovery, "It is said that there is a place south-west of Kinsel that has a magnificent view of the Pioneer Ocean. Coincidentally, a small village with a population of not more than 250 people lived there. Mr Santrick wife who is weak at the time wanted to go there. But instead of taking a vacation, they've decided that living there would be the best option. Even before finishing the construction, Mrs Santrick failed to fight her illness."

Kazu continued after Irene, "It is said that there was are revolt during the evacuation of villagers. To make things less bloody, they were all paid a huge amount of cash to withdraw their belonging out of the village." By now Kazu and Irene intertwined with each other's explanation. "But among those villagers, one old couple didn't want to leave that place. They insisted that they have the right to live where they want, and even try damaging the machines used during the process to continue their protest." Irene handed out an old picture that almost torn to pieces to Yanyi. Luyao inches closer to look at the photo.

"What happened to the old couple then?" Yanyi asks and both Irene and Kazu have mourn expression on their faces. What comes across Kazu's mouth virtually explode Yanyi's anger flame. "They were both killed during the process of construction." Silence filled the room but irritated feelings linger in the air. "Mr Santrick decided to continue his work and in the end, the old couple was killed once the construction reaches their house." Yanyi tossed the picture on the table, her hand kneading her forehead. "Served him right," she mumbles the words as quietly as she can.

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