Chapter 100:- Cappabilities

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The ride to the first site is awkward to say the most. Yanyi may only be one year older than Daniel but she seems more elegant and hard to approach when its out of work context. "Do you want to change school, Daniel?" Surprise by the sudden question he gives out a confused out look. "I'm sorry?"

"What I mean is, do you want to change school to go to Ashrin Academy? You can still take a part time job at the police station from the help of Irene. Her brother works there."

"... That's a nice offer Lady Yanyi, but I still have my siblings that I have to take care of and my parents..."

"You're now more than 18 years old and has a chance of gaining full custody for them. What your parents has done is horrible and they should be face with justice. For accommodation, Luyao has a family manor there that he will be staying after this. It's quite boring when left alone, so you can all live there."


"Adapting to a new environment will be difficult, but this a chance for you to have a promising future. You're talented, Daniel and neither me nor Luyao would want your talent yo be wasted."


"Think about it for as long as you want. You can give your answer once your ready." Now the atmosphere is even more intense. Let's not put pressure to our young forensic expert shall we.




They arrived at the first location and check that it has been blocked off by yellow police tapes. A few officers on standby and guarding the premises. Yanyi tries to look for an escape and entry route just like the first pair. She find that this area is once again secluded but not block by a dead end. Rather it was directly under a lamp pose, with two lanes of exit.

But judging from their first pairs of victims, they don't mind being seen when chasing them but avoid getting spotted when it comes to escaping. Which then she inspect the lamp pose rather closely. With it silver coloured paint, a scratch is hard to detect if it weren't an obvious indent after being touched.

"They climb up here..." she mumbled to herself and ask Daniel for a map of this district. She circled where they are currently at and moves away with Daniel to the next spot. Daniel being there is not useless, you'll see soon why.

The second area is by the side of an abandoned street mart in the same district. This area is not equip with any lamp pose nor tree to climb. But the old board on the window can indicate that it is broken not to long ago. Yanyi gets a rock and threw it at the swaying plank. It deflect her throw which shows that it is still sturdy. She again mark her position and move to another area.

Instead of taking the car, they walk alongside the abandoned street mart and arrived shortly to their next destination. This time it was strangely near an abandoned factory. The area is not that big but still it takes time for them to search the escape route.

While walking, she stepped on a lose bolts on the ground and coincidentally a low blow of wind pass through the abandoned factory and she hears a creaking noise somewhere above her. Looking up, she saw that a door of a compartment which presumably use to import the ingredients sway open. She saw that a bolt from underneath the door ledges has gone missing and deduced that it was what she is currently holding onto.

She then drag Daniel to go the next location while marking and taking an unnecessary stroll around the abandoned factory. Daniel wasn't much faze by it since he works with corpses all the time and has an immune to seeing these horror entertainment. And so, the fourth location awaits their arrival.

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