Chapter 35:- Meaning Behind Word

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~The Xue's Estate~

A car pulled up to the front door where servants lined up, receiving their master's returns. As Kenji get down from the door vehicle, they all bow in sync. "Welcome back, master" They all greet him. As he was walking, the giant door open revealing Jingyao with an exhilarated expression.

"Papa!" He shouts while running down the stairs. 

"Yaoyao, don't run on stairs! You might trip!" Another voice accompanies Jingyao as they walk right behind him.

Jingyao latches himself into Kenji's arms. He was so delighted to see him back. "Papa, do you still have big sis's letter with you?" He asks out of the blue when he is off the ground. Kenji felt guilty when hearing his words.

"I told you that it was wrong to hide it from them." Ariani walks down the stairs with elegance. Seeing her husband return, she couldn't help but feel a bit happy. Her eyes then change to a scolding mother as they make it ways towards Jingyao.

"What did I say about running down the stairs! If you trip yourself, I'm not responsible for your injuries!" Knowing what he had done was wrong, he lets his head down and takes the scolding heads on. 

"There's no need to be angry, dear. Jingyao had learned his lesson just from your tone. Isn't that right?" Kenji tries to calm the situation down. 

"I'm sorry, mama..." He apologizes in a small, almost unheard voice.

Sighing to herself, she's satisfied to hear his apologies. Out of the blue, Qixiao's voice breaks the tranquil session. "Father didn't tell us about big sis!" He's practically shouting at Kenji. Quite upset they didn't have the chance to read her letter.

Before Ariani could scold her son, another hand had already smack Qixiao across the head. It was undoubtedly his older twin, Lixian. "Even if father didn't tell us about big sis, it's not your place to shout at him, dimwit."

"But father hid it from us! What could he possibly gain aside from distancing us more from big sis!"

"Mama had told us that father do it for a surprise! You never open your ear about something trivial and proceed to judge base on your perception!"

They are growling at each other's throats. It has come to a point where Ariani needs to step in. And indeed, she did. She smacks both of their heads and scolds them. "Can both of you not fight when your father had just returned home!" They felt guilty and didn't say any other words. 

Something then comes across Lixian's mind, and he proceeds to step down the patio. "I have a question to ask, father." Kenji listens in as his hands still holding onto Jingyao. "What does sis means when she said 'she had taken in a sworn brother'?" 

He had thought that they would ask it but not instantly. "Did big sis mention it in her letter?" Qixiao proceeds to ask. Kenji shook his head. "The news that your sister has taken in a sworn sibling was even new to me. I didn't know that she has the guts to do that."

"We're talking about Xue Licia Yanyi here. Our first children. Of course, she would be so bold to do something even if you don't allow it."

"I'm okay with it. Sister wants to adopt him, but she can't. Big sis can't just use Papa's name without your concern, right?" Jingyao said out of the blue. Everyone was shocked but proud at the same time.

"Maybe. Now, how about we go inside and talk about it over lunch. Sound great, right?" 

"Sounds great to me!"

"I'll let the cooks know then."

"I'll help you, mama!"

"How about father goes back into your office first. I can take care of Yaoyao while you're gone?" Kenji nods and hands over Jingyao into Lixian's embrace. Both of them proceed to join in with their mother. Kenji goes to his bedroom to change out of his garments.

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