Chapter 96:- No Link

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"*Yawn*" Kazu walk out of his assigned room with his disheveled hair and strood towards the dining table. Flooping his head down proceed to continue his slumber there.

The mood is in an all time low. The breakfast was quite mundane. The ride is mundane. But the entrance is suprisingly not.

"Sire! We have another case!"

"Another case?"

"Th-That... That warewolf case. There seem to be a second victim.


"The same area!"





Indeed the info is true to the name. The area had been cleaned off just a day ago and there laid another victim.

In the same position...

The same claw marks on the back...

Everything is so similar.

Minus the more pettite look of the victim. Daniel has been discharge to the site on his way to school, therefore by the time they arrived the boy had finsihed his observation.

"What's the intel?"

"It's the same. The depth, the width, even the odd deep scratch is there. In fact, I don't think I have to do another full autopsy on them. Just a simple identification and the information can be handed out."

"There has to be something different between them, right? Max!" The boy ran over soon after his name was called out. "Any personal information on the man?" Yanyi ask as she checked the body herself, putting on a pair of latex gloves.

"The man is quite the young himself, to be more specific, he's only around 24 years old. We are reaching out to his nearest relatives or friends for further inquiries."

"Send others on that task. You on the other hand, go to the archieve and ask for his information."

"Yes, Sire!" He ran his little figure off to his cllouges and gves out the order. The four of them has been noticed before hand that the family that lives back here has moved to a much safer area with roughly the same layout.

With no restriction and this building being under the control of the Kinsel land office, Kazuto has the right to enter it. Beside they enters for a reason, not to goof around. Getting out into the backyard they noticed a big difference in the surrounding.

It was a mess...

A horrible mess.

It's as if the culprit has already knew that they had discovered the area and try to confuse them. But no matter how much effort you put into confusing them by tearing apart the backyard, it still won't hide the almost broken tree branch hanging fr its dear life.

"They use the same method to escape."

"No matter where you look at, they clearly didn't think this plan thoroughly. They trash the area first before realizing that there's no way for them to escape to a higher altitude to reach the moonlight."

"Thus, they climb the tree and use their super human leg to fly above the stars. Funnily enough, they could've cut off a few of th bigger branches on this tree and leave it more confusing for us."

"They don't seem to be using their brain."

Just like before, they went towards the highest rooftop. The only differences is they are paired up. Kazu literally gives out a free piggy back ride for Irene to use while he jumps from roof to roof like a kangaroo.

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