Prologue ~ Chapter 5

Start from the beginning

''Can't you just light it with magic?'' Yuu asked.

''Using that kind of magic requires training.'' Deuce explained.

''And that's the reason what the school is for.'' Ace added, as Yuu took the candle.

''So lightning fire isn't easy.'' I stated.


A blue flame came across Yuu and lightened the candle.

''Hehe, it looks like you four need my awesome fire magic.''

''Grim!'' Yuu and I spoke in surprise.

''How long have you been following us?'' Deuce asked him.

''Since you left for the Mines. I'm gonna pick myself some magic stones! Who knows... maybe I could use some super strong magic with one of those! From now on I'm the captain so follow me!'' Grim exclaimed while walking out of the cottage determined.

We walked a little further from the cottage and found a cave which seemed to be the mine entrance.

''W-We're gonna go in that pitch black hole.'' Grim stuttered nervously.

''Are you scared? That's lame.'' Ace teased Grim.

''Naanh!? I'm not s-scared at all! I'm taking the lead! You guys follow me!'' Grim continued.

We all looked at each other and walked after Grim. As we entered the interior part of the mine, we all looked at it with awe. The stone walls were filled with small magic stones with all kinds of colors.

We separated and looked for a magic stone big enough to light the chandelier, but with no luck. The magic stones were simply too small.

''Another bust...'' Deuce said defeated.

''There is nothing here.'' Ace added.

''Then search even harder!''

''Could you not order me around? We wouldn't be in this mess if you didn't get us in this trouble.'' Ace groaned.

''You might wanna refresh your memory. It was your fault that fight even started.'' Deuce pointed out.

''That furball was the one who started the fight and burned the statue!''

''But you're were the one who was making fun of me!'' Grim growled from my shoulder.

''It was both Ace and Grim's fault for losing their temper with each other.'' I interfered.

Ace and Deuce began to argue while I tried to calm them down. Yuu on the other hand...


''Did you guys hear that!'' Yuu spoke making us turn our head towards him.

''GIB... UU... WON...''

''!!!'' we all gasped panicking.

''St... one... sss... mine...''

''Whatever it is it's getting closer.'' I whispered.

''Stone........ IS MIIIIINNEEEEEE!!!'' a monster in red appeared before us.

The aura around it was dark. Its head was faceless and made of glass with leaking ink.

All of us were terrified that we ran away towards the entrance. We stopped close by and looked behind us only to see the monster following us. We exited the cave and ran toward the cottage. 

The boys and I stopped to catch our breaths. ''Is this far enough?'' Grim asked while collapsing on the ground breathless.

''What was that!? The headmaster didn't say anything about a monster! Let's give up on go home.'' Ace spoke sitting on the ground.

''What! Don't mess with me! I would do anything to avoid expulsion!'' Deuce exclaimed.

''I saw a glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel.'' I informed the rest of us.

''Yeah, I saw it too.'' Yuu added.

''There's a magic stone right on front of us and you just want to go home.'' Deuce spoke angrily to Ace.

''Says the one whose magic is worse than mine. You can go alone for all that I care. I'm done.'' Ace argued making me look at him in disbelief.

''So, you're just going to give up without even trying?'' I argued back making everybody look at me surprised at my outburst.

''You'll never achieve anything if you keep that attitude.'' I continued making him frown.

''She's right! If you don't want to get involved, then stay here like the spineless coward that you are!'' Deuce yelled at Ace looking like a totally different person.

''U-uuhm... Deuce... Did you switch character?'' Grim asked carefully.

Deuce on the other hand flinched in realization. ''S-Sorry... I got a little worked up'' he said calming down.

''Well, long story short we have to fight that monster in order to get that magic stone'' I pointed out to the boys.

''Yeah... for that to happen we have to come up with a proper plan.'' Yuu continued beside me.

''The only thing I can think about working is teamwork.'' I said while looking at the three in front of Yuu and me.

''Teamwork? Wait a minute. You want us to get along and work together?'' Ace asked and smirked.

''Yep.'' I answered bluntly.

''You're too blunt for your own good.'' Ace remarked.

''I won't work with this loser.'' Deuce said determined.

''He got a point. It's way lamer than being expelled.'' Grim stated.

''If there's an opponent you can't win against one-on-one, you can change the whole outcome as a group.'' Yuu appealed.

''There's only one of him. We still have a chance to win this together.''

''No freaking way! I won't work with Mr. reckless here!'' Ace stated.

''Reckless? I'm not going to team up with you either!''

''Too bad. Then I guess that everyone's getting expelled.'' Yuu said with a neutral face.

''Pfft. Getting expelled on the first day of school is pretty lame.'' Grim said mockingly.

''Yeah, pretty lame.'' I added with a smirk on my face.

Ace and Deuce looked like they were fighting the urge to not let our mockery get to them.

''Fine! If I have too.''

''Anything but expulsion...!''

Word count: 1412

To be continued - Please leave a like and comment 😄

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