Chapter 67: Petty

Start from the beginning

"I don't wanna waste it. We can use this for actual emergencies later,' I tell him.

"Can you give us a moment?" Ashton asks looking at the two guys standing over us. I sit down on the couch and he takes the seat beside me as he pulls the equipment out. I pull up my shirt and prop the light up as he cleans the wound, "You can't be doing this. You're not setting a good example for the kids," he scolds while prodding around at the area.

"I'm fine Ash. If it got any worse I would have told you, but I have been keeping it clean and changing the bandages. It's just because we are moving around a lot," I tell him. When he finishes what he's doing he turns back to the bag. His movements stall as he sits there deep in thought. I drop my shirt and grab his hand as we sit in the dark room.

"I can't stop thinking about how different everything is. I know it's been years but sometimes I forget everyone's still not here," he says playing with the plastic of the bandages, "When I was talking with Reece today I turned around thinking I would see Niall and Michael talking about something stupid. And then when I saw you with Blake....."

"It was like losing them all over again," I say finishing his sentence," Even Luke and Kyleigh fighting over the group is bringing me back," I tell him with a laugh. He tells me to lift my shirt again as we continue walking down memory lane.

"Do you ever think about going back to Luke's house and seeing how much everything has changed?" I ask as he finishes wrapping my side. He sits there for a second before shaking his head.

"I think the worst thing we could do is go back. I think that's one of the reasons Jensen left," He says.

"I hope he finds another group that gives him the change he needs," I say as Reece and Blake walk back into the room. Reece starts speaking when something bangs on the front door. I jump as I grab my knife from the table. Blake holds his hand up as he walks closer looking out of the peephole. He tells Reece to go get Luke as the person on the outside of the door is screaming for help. We hear zombies on the outside of the door as the bodies pile up from the outside. Blake growls in frustration as he opens the door and rips the guy inside. He slams the door outside, while Ashton and I push the couch in front of it.

The man starts saying thank you's, as Blake puts his blade to his throat against the wall, "How did you know we were here?" he asks as the man widens his eyes in fear.

"I saw the smoke coming from the chimney and thought you guys were someone else. I was about to leave when they came out of nowhere," he rambles trying to get him to lower the knife. Luke comes running downstairs as Kyleigh stands at the top of the stairs blocking the kids from seeing.

"Who let him in?" he asks as Blake doesn't move from his spot, "Who are you?" he asks narrowing his eyes at the man.

"My name is Harry...I lost my friends a couple days ago...I thought you were them," he says sounding like he's telling the truth.

"What were their names?" Blake asks moving the knife higher up his neck. Reece and Ashton move to the windows to see how bad it is outside.

"Simon and Vik...have you seen them?" he asks. I look at the guys talking and see Luke is trying not to flip out on Blake for letting him inside. Would he have rather us left him for dead? Blake pulls the knife from his throat as he turns to speak with Luke. Harry drops to his knees as he lets out a relieved breath. His face is covered in dirt and blood as his clothes are ripped and worn-down sweats and a jacket. A British accent was evident as he pleaded for his life, now he's sitting in regret as he sits waiting for us to do something. I grab water from our low stash and squat down passing it over. He thanks me as he cracks the lid and chugs it.

"Do you have a camp?" I ask as Reece joins me by the man.

"Our camp was overrun by the dead...I was split up from my friends and I haven't seen anything....until today. When I saw the fire I figured it had to be them," he says as Luke calls us over. Ashton watches over the man as Luke looks annoyed. Blake and him continuing arguing back and forth as Reece, Kyleigh, and I try to figure out what to do with him. I hear Blake raise his voice questioning Luke's leadership making us all turn to look at him. Kyleigh walks over and tells them to get over themselves as we try not to laugh at her attitude.

"I say we let him stay the night and then in the morning we help him find his friends," I tell them.

"But what if he makes a move?" Reece asks a little hesitant on letting the stranger inside.

"Two people were going to be up anyways. There are too many walkers out there to kick him out. It wouldn't be right," Kyleigh says picking up one of the knives from the table. Luke and Blake go to say something as we all walk away tired of their petty arguments. This group is slowly falling apart and I have no idea how to fix it.

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