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Week later, 12:00

Hope POV

It's been a week and I am still pregnant, Jacob is worried something is wrong with me because I am 10 months, the doctor said one more week or they'll force me to give birth, I'm worried but also not. We are somewhat close to finishing up the house. We still have a lot to do, we sleep with the heater on every night because we need to work on that.

Now the story

I woke up not seeing the frame of the picture of our child, Did it fall. I sat up looking at the ground, I picked if up setting it back on my nightstand. I sighed getting out of bed, well rolled out of bed. I opened the door feeling a gust of cold air.

Hope: fuck that
I said closing the door

I walked in our bathroom doing my business before brushing my teeth, I went through my phone seeing if anyone texted me, mia texted me.

Mia😜: hey girl do you want us to come over and help you with anything?

Hope🤌: sorry I didn't answer you I was asleep but let me ask Jacob

Mia😜: okay 👌

End chat

I set my phone down walking into the bedroom, it was so hot in the room keeping the heater on high all night. I laid in bed waking up Jacob.

Hope: I'm sorry
I whispered

Jacob: it's okay
He whispered pulling me close to him

He kissed my forehead rubbing my belly.

Jacob: how did you sleep
He said opening his eyes meeting mine

Hope: good
I said scooting closer to him

Jacob: I'm glad
He said kissing my forehead again

Hope: baby
I whispered holding in a laugh

Jacob: hmm
He said with his eyes close rubbing my belly

Hope: my water broke
I said holding in a laugh

Jacob: hm
He said confused

Hope: my water broke
I whispered

Jacob sat up.

Jacob: WHat
He said confused

Hope: my water broke
I said normally

His eyes widen as he sat up.

Jacob: actually
He said checking on me

I started laughing a I took my head no.

Jacob: man. Its too early for this shit.
He said laying back down in bed

I giggled kissing him.

Hope: I'm sorry
I said laughing

Jacob: uh huh
He said kissing me

I smiled scooting closer to him, he kissed me again before getting up, he walked in the bathroom doing his thing before getting out.

Hope: help me
I said lifting up my hands

Jacob kissed me then my belly.

Jacob: good morning
He said laying his forehead on my belly

Hope: your to cute
I said playing with long his hair

Jacob: your belly is huge
He said kissing my belly

Hope: your hair is long
I said lifting it showing myself the length

Jacob: I know. I was thinking of buzzing it. He said fluffing his hair

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