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Next day, 6:00

Hope POV

I woke up early thinking nobody was going to be awake. I walked in the living room. Nobody, I walked to the kitchen nobody. Until the pantry door opened it was JACOB.

Hope: wtf how are you awake

Jacob: I should be asking you the same

Hope: I asked you first

Jacob: I'm going to the gym. You

Hope: on a run

Jacob: well I'm going to make breakfast want some

Hope: no it's fine

Jacob: you sure

Hope: ya I'm fine

Jacob: uhh okay

I grabbed a water bottle with water. I put some protein powder in my water and I mixed it. Then Jacob came to me.

Jacob: hey umm you should probably eat

Hope: Jacob I'm fine.

Jacob: okay

I grabbed my water and went to change into some sports bra and shorts. I walked out the door and I walked for a while before I started running. I ran for a hour then I went back to hype house. I walk in and I see everybody awake expect Bryce. I see Thomas's face. He got up and went outside with me behind him.

Thomas: where did you go

Hope: on a run

Thomas: how long

Hope: a hour

Thomas: did you eat

Hope: Thomas I'm 20 years old I'm not 15 anymore.

He stared at me.

Hope: I swear. I lied

Thomas: okay fine.

He walked away and I went to the pool and put my feet in.

? : oh sorry am I enter upping someone

I looked and I see Jacob

Hope: no

Jacob: can I join

Hope: ya I don't care

He sat down next to me

Jacob: so how was your run

Hope: it was fine

Jacob: cool..

He moved his hands on top of mine. But I moved my hand.

Jacob: I'm sorry I didnt see your hand

Hope: it's fine

I looked away looking at the mountains. There was a little silence. But it was comforting. We sat there in silence for 5 mins before he spoke.

Jacob: so how long have you known hype house

Hope: ever since it started I'm Thomas's sister remember

Jacob: oh ya I'm sorry

Hope: it's fine

I got up and I went back to my bedroom. I changed into some Jami pants and a sports bra. I walked to the living room and sat on a bean bag. Then Jacob came and sat next to me. He tried talking to me and I talked to him back. Thomas watched us like a hawk. I saw right threw him. He thought we were flirting. He's good looking but I don't want a relationship. And he knew that. Me and Jacob talked for a while. We became good friends. Everybody looked at us like I was a murder. Right when I went to grab something in my room all the girls pushed me in and locked the door

Hope: what the fu-

Mia: cut the crap and start talking

Paige: ya what was that

Tabs: with you and Jacob

Hope: what do you mean

Mia: omg don't act like that.

Tabs: ya, you so like him

Hope: no I don't we are just friend

Paige: hope you don't understand.

Mia: ya, when his girlfriend broke up with him he worked out until he passed out and he had to go to the hospital almost constantly.

Tabs: ya and when he would get back from the hospital he would shut him self up in his room and not come out for a week. Not even to eat.

Hope: well maybe he is getting over her

Mia: I'm done

Paige: ya

Tabs: I'm not giving up

Mia and Paige left and tabs keep talking to me. And I started to believe her. But I didn't want to believe her. She left and I just laid in bed. I made a couple tiktoks too. I hurd a knock at the door. I got up and answered it. It was Jacob.

Jacob: hey is it okay If I can come in

Hope: uhh sure

He came in and sat on my bed. I sat next to him.

Hope: so what's up

Jacob: I just wanted to hang out is that okay

Hope: ya that's fine

Jacob; okay thanks

Hope: want to make a tiktoks

Jacob: sure

We made so delicious transition trend. After we made it I posted it. Me and Jacob made alot of tiktoks. He even made the one were Jacob holds my leg and I have to jump over it. I jumped and I feel on the ground. Me and Jacob laughed so hard. It was funny but it hurt.

Jacob: need help 😂

Hope; yes plz

He held his hand out and he helped me up.

Hope: ahww that hurt so much

Jacob: I bet

He carried me to my bed and laid me down. He laid next to me and we watched tiktoks together. After a while when I didn't hurt we made more tiktoks. After almost a hour we finally stopped and we relaxed together. I put my head on his shoulder while watching jacob watch TikTok. I sat up and I went to my make up desk to take off my make up. After I took it off and laid on top of Jacob. After a while I realized that I was on Jacob. I sat up and got off.

Hope: I'm sorry..

Jacob: for what?.

Hope: for laying on top of you

Jacob: it's fine it's not like it means anything.

Hope: ya

When he said it doesn't mean anything I felt.. Sad. What? Why. So we are just friends. But why am I feeling so sad when he said that. I grabbed my phone and watched TikTok. After a while I went back to laying on Jacobs shoulder. I fell asleep and Jacob got up to leave. Then I grabbed his hand.

Hope: plz don't leave

Jacob: okay

He took off his shirt and laid with me. I turned to face him and I buried my head in his chest. After a while I fell asleep.

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