Target run

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Next day, 8:00

Hope pov

I woke up feeling a lot better. I sat up seeing if I still have a headache. Nope I was good. I looked to my side and I see Jacob fast asleep. He is so cute. I kissed his forehead then got up to get some coffee. I got to the kitchen and I saw nobody made the coffee. Of course. I made the coffee and I waited. After a couple mins it was done. I poured my coffee then I felt hands snake around my waist.

Jacob: why didn't you wake me up. He said sleepily

Hope: idk you looked peaceful and I didn't want to enter up. I said taking a sip of my coffee.

Jacob: Mk. How are you feeling. He said rubbing my waist

Hope: a lot better all I have is a runny nose. I said taking another sip of my coffee.

Jacob: I'm glad. He said smiling against my neck.

He giggled bec it kinda tickled. Jacob laughed to and he got off my neck. He kissed my forehead before getting himself coffee. I moved out of the way so he can have room. He made his coffee then sat down on the table facing the living room. I went over and I sat next to him.

Hope: so what do you want to do today. I said sitting next to him.

Jacob: idk what do you want to do. He said looking at me.

Hope: isn't Thomas making a video today.

Jacob: ya I think so. He said not sure

Hope: I'll ask him. Later. I said going on my phone.

Jacob: well you might not have too. He said looking at something.

I look up and yet there is Thomas.

Hope: hey tom are you making a video or vlog. I said looking at him.

Thomas: yes a vlog. He said looking at me

Hope: when

Thomas: soon. Like couple mins we are doing a target run.

Hope: oh that's sick I'll go get ready.

I got ready and same for Jacob. After we got done we went to the front door to waited. After a couple mins everybody started coming. We got in and I was on Jacobs lap. He had his arms wrapped around me. It was a little bumpy at first then it got smooth. We got to target and tabs ha her phone to make a target hype house vlog. I was probably the only calm one. I went to the food isle and tabs came up to me.

Tabs: what are you doing.

Hope: I'm getting some snacks. I said in a funny way.

Tabs laughed and went to annoy someone else. Jacob came and he wrapped his arms around me.

Jacob: what are you getting me. He said with his head on top of mine

Hope: what do you want. I said looking.

Jacob: I was just joking baby. He said giggling.

Hope: I wasn't. What do you want. I said lookin more

Jacob: anything your happy with. He said kissing my head.

Before I could answer I Hurd awww. Me and Jacob look and hype house is there. Once they saw us they scattered. I laughed and decided not to get anything. Jacob was on my back still. I laughed trying to walk. Then I had a idea. I set up my phone and I played a song well music. I told Jacob to pick me up. He did and I started running in the air. He was dying of laughter. It ended and he let me go. I grabbed my phone then I went to find hype house. I found them in the makeup isle. I walked in and I got some too. The boys looked bored and annoyed.

Hope: you know what you guys don't have to be here go go. I said moving my hands to show them to leave

They didn't waist anytime they left faster then sonic. I laughed then i went back to my make up. After a while me and the girls where walking around looking for them. I then felt a tap. I thought it was Jacob of one of the guys. But no some random dude.

Hope: hello how may I help you. I said uneasy

? : hey I know this is weird but is there a chance I can get your number. He said nervous.

I was so caught off guard and the girls left me. I didn't know what to say until I felt arms on me.

Jacob: hey who are you. He said looking at the guy

? : mind your own business. I'm just asking this beautiful girl out. He said pointing at me.

Jacob: beautiful.. Yes she is. In fact this beautiful girl is my girlfriend. So yes. It is my business. He said giving him the death glare.

The guy didn't respond but left. I turned to Jacob.

Hope: thank you so much I didn't know what to say.

Jacob: of course my love. He said kissing my forehead.

After he kissed my forehead I jumped and he caught me. I wrapped my arms and legs around him. He carried me everywhere even when we left. I was so tired. We got in the car and Jacob got in with me on him. He got in and I sat up facing him. He moved a piece of hair out of my face. I giggled and he laughed too. I then kissed him but not for long. I pulled away then I laid my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me holding me tight like a seatbelt. I fell asleep on the way there on Jacobs lap.

FYI it's late like 12

Jacob pov

We got home and hope was asleep. I didn't want to wake her up so I held her tight before I carried her in. I went to our room then I laid her down gently. I took off my shirt then I laid next to her grabbing her and holding her tight

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