Day 2/ party

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Next day, 8:00

Hope POV

I woke up to my phone ringing. I was confused. I picked it up.

Hope: hello

Tab: hey girl did I wake you up

Hope: ya but your good

Tab: okay but I have bad news

Hope: hit me

Tab: Bryce, Paige, and Jackson are leaving hype house

Hope: what
I said sitting up

Tab: ya sorry to enter upped your vacation

Hope: no it's fine but. When are they leaving

Tab: they said they'll stay until you come back so you guys can say bye

I sighed in relief

Hope: okay good

He giggled.

Hope: alright thank you so much for telling me

Tab: no problem

Hope: love you

Tab: love you too bye

I hung up. I felt someone grabbed me slamming me down. I laughed. Jacob got on top of me.

Jacob: who was on the phone

Hope: Tabitha

Jacob: what did she want

Hope: Bryce, Paige, and Jackson are moving out of hype house

Jacob sat up

Jacob: when

Hope: when we go back home

He sighed in relief. I giggled. He came down to me and kissed me. I laughed. I sat up. He pulled away an I got up and went into the bathroom. I turned on the shower. Jacob came in.

Jacob: you just hate me don't you.

Hope: no not really.
I said joking

He laughed. I giggled. I got in the shower. Little while after Jacob got in. I giggled. He closed the glass door then kissed me. I smiled. I pulled away and took the water. I giggled. I saw his body.

Hope: your getting buff baby

Jacob: thanks. I think
He chuckled

I giggled. We showered and got out. I wrapped myself in a towel. I did my skin care then make-up then brushed my teeth. Then I walked out the bathroom in the bedroom. Then grabbed my suitcase. I picked some clothes then changed into them. Jacob came in and changed too. I laid in bed waiting for him. He got done then came to me. He laid down on me. I smiled and rubbed his head.

Jacob: what should we do today

Hope: i don't know

Jacob sat up and kissed me. I smiled. He laid his head on my chest. He grabbed my hands and held them. I smiled. He kissed my hands then sat up. I held him down.

Hope: no don't leave
I whine

Jacob: I can't sit up

I let him go and he sat up. I grabbed his hands. He smiled. I giggled. He came back to me and kissed me. I smiled. I grabbed him and kissed him. He came down to me and kissed me.

Hope: wanna go on a swim

Jacob: of course

I smiled. I got out of bed then grabbed my suitcase. I grabbed a bikini then walked in the bedroom and changed. I got done changing then I walked out. Jacob had boxers on laying in bed waiting for me. I walked to him and sat on his lap. He grabbed my waist. I laid down on him. He kissed my head then hugged me. I smiled. I sat up.

Friends 🤞🏽Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora