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Next day, 10:00

Hope POV

I woke up feeling the fresh air through the tent, I sighed as I sat up a little bit checking the time, I shrugged not caring the time because last night was great, he felt so good, I laid down into my pillow dreadding to fall asleep, I moved my hand on my stomach hoping there's something in there, I felt Jacobs hand move on top of mine rubbing, I smiled turning to him, he was awake smiling too, once he saw I was awake he sat up kissing me, he moved down to my neck rubbing my stomach, I groaned as he moved my hair, he pulled me close with my back touching his chest, I smiled scooting closer t him, he laid his head on mine rubbing my stomach.

Hope: I brought a test
I said doing a small giggled

Jacob chuckled sitting up.

Jacob: that's great
He said smiling

I giggled

Jacob: we should get the wedding ready. He said laying his chin on my arm

Hope: ya I know. I'll look up wedding dresses. I said rubbing my eyes

Jacob: okay
He said as he kissed my cheek

I smiled turning to him, laying my head on his chest. He kissed my forehead rubbing my back.

Jacob: do you want to take the test now or later. He asked as he rubbed my back

Hope: I'll put some clothes on
I said getting up

Jacob laughed kissing my chest, I giggled kissing him before getting up putting on the clothes I had on yesterday, Jacob kissed my nape I giggled it being ticklish, Jacob chuckled moving my hair, I leaned down to him as he kissed my head.

Hope: I love you so much
I said enjoying his touch

Jacob: I love you too
He said kissing my head

I smiled as he massaged my bare breast, I sighed as I looked up at him, he kissed me then my neck.

Hope: baby I have to get changed
I whined

He let me go getting me get changed. After I changed I grabbed the test leaving the tent, there obviously wasn't a bathroom near by so I did the camping way, after I did my business I put the top on laying it on the tailgate as I set a timer for ten minutes, Jacob got out tent standing next to me, I hugged his waist laying my head on his chest, he hugged me back laying his chin on my head, I pulled away looking up at him, he looked down at me moving my hair, I smiled going on my tipytoes kissing him, he smiled kissing me back, I pulled away laying my chin on his chest looking up at him.

Jacob: your so beautiful
He said before kissing my forehead

I smiled closing my eyes, I prayed to God that I'll be pregnant, I prayed for the whole 10 minutes, after the alarm went off I turned it off turning to the pregnancy test the answer facing away from me, Jacob hugged my side as I prayed to God one last time before slowly turning it, I had my phone recording on tiktok as I flipped it, positive, I started jumping showing Jacob, he looked at it smiling, I jumped on him kissing him, he caught me kissing me back, I pulled away laying my head on his shoulder crying, he laid me down on the tailgate kissing me, I felt so happy, Jacob grabbed my phone and stopped recording, I hugged him crying in his shoulder.

Hope: can we go home and take more test just to make sure. I said crying

Jacob: okay
He said picking me up carrying me to the passenger seat

He sat me down on closing the door, I buckled myself in waiting as Jacob closes the tailgate getting on the drivers side starting the truck, he drove to the house parking, I didn't let him pork I ran inside to out room grabbing a couple test. I hurd a knock at the door, I just finished doing my last test putting the top of before opening the door.

Hope: oh hi Tabitha
I said breathless

Tab: hey I saw you running to your room and I wanted to know if your okay. She said confused

Jacob: she's excited
He said walking past Tabitha with pillows and blankets in his hands

Tab: why
She said confused looking at Jacob

I grabbed her hand throwing her in the room closing it.

Tab: jeez what is it
She said sitting on the bed

Hope: I might be pregnant
I whispered jumping of excitement

Tab: actually
He whispered

I nodded, she sat up hugging me, I hugged her smiling.

Tab: I'm gonna baby shopping right now. She said leaving

Hope: don't tell anybody
I said quick

Tab; got you
She said before closing the door

I giggled, walking to the bathroom checking them, they weren't fully done but I saw two lines, Jacob came in grabbed my waist. I played on my phone while waiting for the test, after my timer went off I looked down at the test all have two lines, I dropped my phone screaming excited, I turned to Jacob jumping on him, he laughed catching me hugging me, I cried thanking God, I pulled away crying,

Jacob: aww baby
He said whipping my tears

I giggled still crying, he kissed me softy before hugging me again, I hugged him soaking his shirt, I pulled away looking in the mirror seeing all my mascara running down my face, I grabbed a wet rag whipping my make-up, I couldn't stop crying though, I was so happy I'm pregnant, and I know I really am because I took like 10 test just to make sure, so I know it's 100, Jacob grabbed my waist kissing my head, I turned to him hugging him.

Hope: I'm pregnant
I said crying happy tears

Jacob chuckled kissing my head, I calmed down after a while whipping my tears.

Hope: I need to set up a doctors appointment. I said grabbing my phone

Jacob: okay
He said rubbing my waist

I called him making a appointment, they said to come tomorrow at twelve, I hung up jumping excited, Jacob picked me up laying me in bed, I giggled kissing him grabbing his face, he pulled away kissing my stomach before laying his head down, I moved my hands in his hair as I threaded to fall sleep.

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