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Next day, 6:00

Hope pov

I woke up feeling my head being touched. I open my eyes and I see Jacob.

Jacob: sorry my love, I'm just checking you head to see how it's doing. He whispered gently

Hope: it's fine baby. I whispered tired.

He then stopped checking my head then he kissed me. I gasped then kissed him back.

Hope: how is it

Jacob: your healed just a scar

Hope: I'm glad😊

Jacob then stared at me then kissed me so gentle.

Hope: your so gentle.

Jacob: I don't want to hurt my baby

Hope: your so sweet. I said putting our forheads together

Jacob didn't respond he just kissed me. I mean I wasn't complaining his lips made me so happy. I want to kiss him forever. Then I had a idea.

Hope: baby. I said excited

Jacob: what

Hope: we should have a photo shoot for us to hang up in our room.

Jacob: I'll do it if your okay with it

Hope: tabs has been actually kinda photographer she edits like one.

Jacob: and its free

Hope: ya. I said excited

I grabbed my phone and I started texting her. Jacob was just staring at me while I did it. I texted her and her said yes.

Hope: okay she made us a little appointment. I said kissing him

Jacob: when is it

Hope: 12

Jacob: sweet. He said kissing me

I smile kissing him. We started having a makout session. I switched us so I'm on top. I lean over kissing him. He had his hands on my waist holding tight. He slowly moves his hand to my throat. He never done this. And I loved it. I pulled away looking at him. He moves his hand slowly away from my throat.

Hope: I didn't know you like throats. I said joking

Jacob: only yours. He said kissing me again moving his hand back on my throat.

I laugh kissing him back. I arch my back kissing him. Jacob sat up still kissing me. I moved my hands to his hair. Jacob then kinda tighten his grip on my throat. Even though I was abused half my life I fucking loved it and i hated when people even hugged me. But his touch made me crave it more. As I was about to take off his shirt there was a knock. I roll my eyes and I got off Jacobs lap to answer it. I open the door and it's tabs.

Hope: oh hey what's up

Tabs: uhh it's 12

Hope: oh sh*t really. F*ck we been making out for a while. I said whispering it

Tabs: I'll meet you guys out side

Hope: okay thanks boo

Tabs: your welcome b*tch. She said leaving

I closed the door and I walked up to Jacob. I sat on his lap facing him.

Jacob: who was at the door. She said kissing my neck

Hope: it's tabs. I said enjoying it

Jacob: what didn't she want

Hope: it's 12

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