Sick day

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Next day, 6:00

Hope pov

I woke up about to throw up. I got up quick and ran to the bathroom. And I threw up in the toilet. Jacob ran in and be held my hair in a pony tail while I threw up. After a couple mins I was done. I sat down my head leaning against the wall.

Hope: I'm sorry baby

Jacob: it's fine. I'm glad to help when needed. Experience if it's my girlfriend

I wanted to kiss him so bad but my mouth had puke on it. After a while I went to wash out my mouth and brushed my teeth. I then got in the shower. I showered and I felt a little better. I got out and I went to our closet. Jacob was already in there changing his shirt.

Jacob: oh hey baby

I didn't even answer his abs... God I can look at them forever.

Jacob: baby?

I snapped out of my thoughts and I looked at jacob.

Hope: Mhmm

Jacib: how are you feeling. He said putting on his shirt.

Hope: still sick. I said sad.

Mind you I was in a towel holding it so it doesn't fall.

Jacobs head: God look at her. It's hard not to do anything to her. Her wet hair sticking to her skin. How short the towel like a short dress. Her breast pushing up to show how big they are. She's so beautiful. This is really going to be hard.

Jacob: I'm sorry baby. He said sad

Hope; it's fine.

Jacob came up to me and he kissed my forehead before walking out the closet. I changed and I walked out. Jacob was on the bed on his phone. I walked up to him and I laid on him. He put his phone down and he grabbed me holding me tight. He then kissed my forehead. I smiled.

Jacob: I made you soup.

I sat up instantly. He laughed and he grabbed a bowl that was on his night stand next to him. I took it and I took a bite. It was good. I ate it fast it was good and a little spicy. And I love spicy things. I ate it and I put it back on his night stand.

Jacob: good job baby

Hope: Mhm

He kissed my forehead and he held me tight. I actually started to feel alot better.

Jacob: how are you feeling

Hope: alot better actually

Jacob: Mmm I'm glad. He said kissing my head.

I swear every kiss made me feel better each kiss. I then sat up. Jacib moved his hands on my waist. I learned down and I kissed his cheek. I wanted to kiss his lips so bad. I was sitting there feeling his lips slide on my. I slowly kissed him. His lips grind on my think if I should or not. Jacob then just kissed me. I gasped feeling his lips. I didn't care I was sick. I just wanted Jacob. And weirdly I felt better and better. After a while he pulled away.

Jacobs head: f*ck. F*ck. F*ck. F*ck. F*ck. This is so hard

Jacib stared at me. He looked like he was thinking. I left him alone thinking staring back. He rubbed my waist with his thumb thinking.

Hope: what are you thinking

Jacob:.. It's just... Going. To. Be.... Hard

Hope: about

Jacob: not doing anything

Hope: we'll ever since the soup I'm feeling alot better.

Jacob: okay. He smiled

He kissed both of my hands. He then put the. Down on his lap. I then laid my head on his chest. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I was hanging on him. He had his hands in the middle of my waist holding me. As I was laying there I felt like I was going to puke again. I ran and I made it to the toilet just in time. Jacob came in and helped with my hair while rubbing my back. I was puking for a min straight until I stopped. I put my hair up in a clip cut so all of it is not in the way. Jacib sat next to me and the wall. He grabbed my hand and he held it in his lap. Then there was a knock. Jacob got up and answered it. I then hurd the door close. Then tabs came in with soup and some medicine. He came up to me.

Tabs: jeez girl you look like crap.

Hope: thanks. I said laughing a little

Tabs: here take these and make sure you eat plz. She said handing me some soup and medicine.

I didn't want to eat the soup bec I had a puke taste in my mouth.

Tabs; now. No s*x when she's sick. Could make it worce.

Me and jacob look at each other. He laughed a little. She closed the door and left. Jacob came to me and sat next to me again. I took a sip and sh*t.

Hope: oh god taste like a*s. I gag

Jacib: wow I thought I would never hear you gag.

I looked at him in a really right now look.

Jacob; sorry. He said putting his hands up.

I smiled looking away.

Jacob: how are you feeling

Hope: like sh*t. I said laughing for a second

Jacob: my poor baby. He said kissing my forehead

I rested my head on his shoulder and he rested his head on mine. After a couple mins I had to throw up. I learned over the toilet getting ready for it to come. It came over a couple seconds. Jacob rubbing my back. After a couple seconds I was done. I stopped and I leaned back on the wall. Jacob he whipped off the puke on my mouth. Then there was another knock.

Hope: for God sake

Jacob: CAME IN. He said not wanting to leave me

The door opened and EM came in.

Em: hey I Hurd your sick and I brought you some soup. She said showing us.

Me and Jacob looked at her weirdly. Why was she being nice. Jacob then took it and he opened it. He smelt it.

Em: it's not poison

Jacob: idk if I can trust you

Em: well don't have to. He said leaving

Wtf is going in. Me and Jacob looked at each other. He took a bite then be put it down.

All we did was in the bathroom. The soup em gave me I guess was fine bec nothing happen to Jacob. But I still didn't trust her.

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